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Yao Ye got goose bumps. The scene he saw just now was definitely not an illusion.

Such a real baby, with that iron-blue, lifeless skin, Yao Ye could see clearly.

But it is precisely because he saw too clearly that he was particularly flustered now.


Yao Ye retracted back on the sofa nervously, looking at the coffee table not far away, his eyes fixed on the place just now.

Just now, is it a ghost?

Yao Ye was really afraid of things that science could not explain.

“Don’t scare yourself, don’t scare yourself…”

Yao Ye tried his best to comfort himself.

“Maybe it was just because I fell asleep just now, I was wrong…”

Yes, that’s right, maybe I read it wrong.

Yao Ye decided to forget the scene just now. He picked up the pillow on the sofa and curled up nervously, looking around erraticly with a pair of bright apricot eyes.

In the corner, on the TV, next to the lamp, in the shadow of the floor,

Yao Ye took a close look at every place, and he was relieved after making sure that there was no possibility of hiding anything.

But he still didn’t dare to get off the sofa, so he had to send a message with his mobile phone.

——[Shili, when can you come back today? ]

——[There is only me in the family, I’m so scared. ]

The message was sent quickly, but there was no response in the chat interface for a long time.

Yao Ye dropped his eyelids, his pale, delicate face cast a faint shadow.

Shili, what are you up to? Recently, it has always been like this, and it takes a long time for me to reply.

Ding Dong——

Shili returned the news.

——[Yao Yao is not afraid, take a rest by yourself tonight, okay? Something happened in the ancestral house of Shi’s family. I have to deal with it. I am really sorry. ]

Shili’s tone was still gentle and apologetic.

In the living room, the young wife looked at the message on the mobile phone, her fingers trembling slightly, and then tightened suddenly until her knuckles turned white.

Ancestral house?

Where do those old people live?

boom! ! !

The phone was smashed on the floor and there was a loud noise.

Yao Ye’s originally peaceful expression became distorted, his lips turned white with anger, and his breathing became short.

“…It’s all, damn guy!”

Yao Ye originally thought that Shili was busy so late for the company’s affairs, but he didn’t expect it to be for the old things struck by lightning!

Yao Ye’s eyes were red, and he looked viciously at the phone he had fallen aside, his chest heaving violently.

His lungs are really exploding.

Didn’t Shi Li promise to stop looking at those damn old men? Why on earth now!

Is it true that you want to compromise with those old immortals and raise a third child?

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