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The huge judge stood indifferently, the bandage on his upper body was stained with blood, the wound just scratched by the crow’s mouth had healed, and even the bandage was completely new.

It remained motionless in its original posture, its face was contoured by bandages, and its black half-length hair fell on its forehead.

From the outside, this seems to be an ordinary adult male, except that he is too tall, everything is normal.

But as long as someone has seen its face, they will never mistake it for an ordinary human.

The entire face of the judge was wrapped in blood-stained bandages, and it was vaguely visible that it was a handsome face, except where the eyes were constantly oozing blood, giving people an extremely strange discomfort. .

Anyone looking at this bandaged face with no cracks will feel a ghastly breath entwined in the depths of his soul, not only because of the blood oozing from the face that is extremely similar to humans , More because of a fear of irresistible force.

That is—the gaze of the judge.

bad! Brother Dao found them!

Brother Li and the pink hair girl who met that face were shocked.

They stared blankly at the terrifying man in the open space below, shaking with fear even if they knew that this was just a game.

The ability of this big boss is unpredictable, even the great gods have not fully understood his character and specific skills, only know that this boss has a cold and ruthless character, and his words are pitiful.

There were so few words that even countless players worked tirelessly, and only got a two-sentence recording of this BOSS from the strategy.

One is “You, shouldn’t be here.”, the other is “Death, is your destination.”, no more words, it simply embodies the contempt for the player to the extreme.

However, because the sound is still pretty magnetic, after being released by the player, it unexpectedly attracted a large number of voice control fans.

After the game became popular, the recording of these two sentences was also made into a video of ghost animals and reposted on the Internet.

Let the ruthless representative-“Brother Knife” the game character became popular throughout the Internet.

It has to be said that this Dao brother is simply a typical representative of not many people who say nothing. With strong strength and indifferent and cruel personality, as well as the tragic life mentioned in the background of the ghost story, he has attracted countless fans.

Because you can’t see your face, you can basically tell from the figure that he is a handsome guy with strong muscles and good-looking lines.

There are also a large number of male and female fans who come here because of his body. For a while, when fans are extremely active, Vividly turning a serious game forum into a settlement for licking and remnant fans.

However, the highest level dungeon boss in this strange story is also condemned.

That is, the ultimate big boss in a high-level copy is actually more rigid than the BOSS in other simple copies, and it will only keep killing.

What’s more sad is that because the BOSS force value is too high, all the strategies are paper tigers under its big sword. Even if it has no IQ, only knows about killing, it also abuses a group of players to cry father and mother.

You know, in other simple copies of the current ghost story, those little BOSSs are too cunning. Players can even interact freely with humanoid or monster-shaped BOSS, including some intimate indescribable contact below the neck, so as to find another way to complete the task. , Sometimes people wonder if these NPCs are real people, and there are many rumors that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

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