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The other onlookers screamed, their faces in horror.

The blood kept pouring from the place Yuanping bit, and soon half of the yellow-haired bastard’s coat was dyed red. The students immediately panicked when they had seen such a bloody scene.

The two little bastards who pinched Yuanping’s neck finally came back to their senses. They were so scared that their faces were pale, and they hurried back to pull people back and shouted: “Quickly let go! X’s! Quickly let go! The boss is going to die! You bastard dog! !”

The little yellow-haired bastard was already confused by the pain, and only knew howling..

His nose and tears flowed down his face, and he said vaguely begging for mercy.

Yuanping didn’t want to really kill people either, he quickly let go, and the bottom half of his pale face was full of the blood of the yellow-haired punks, looking as terrifying as a man-eating beast.

“Oh! It hurts! It hurts!!! Ahhhh!!!”

The little yellow-haired bastard was clutching the skin of his neck that was about to be bitten off, and all his ugly facial features were twisted together, crying heartbreakingly.

The other two gangsters rushed to Huangmao gangster’s side, supported him, and hurried to the infirmary.

Seeing the ugly and distorted cry of these three little gangsters, Yao Ye showed an expression of disgust.

This guy is so ugly, his eyes are dirty.

Thinking like this, Yao Ye looked at Yuanping, who was standing aside with a pale face, and was about to wash his eyes.
In the back row of the classroom, the gloomy young man named Yuanping was still silent at this time.

Even if he almost bit off a piece of meat from his classmate’s neck and committed an unforgivable crime in the eyes of ordinary people, there was still no expression on his face.

Half of Yuanping’s face was full of blood. He seemed to dislike the smell of blood very much. He mechanically wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes almost numbly watching this farce in the class, as if he were an outsider.

Yao Ye looked at him and felt that this guy looked like a puppet with no emotions, different from everyone he met in the past, very special.

Well, it seems very suitable for being a kid.
Yao Ye touched his chin and thought this guy was really good.

Isn’t this taciturn look the best template for my little brother!

Yuanping stood there with no expression on his face, and his dark pupils reflected the angry and distorted faces around him.

“Monster! This goddamn bastard, he almost killed someone!”

“Should have known it long ago, he is usually very weird, and the smell on his body is particularly strong! He always looks at people! It is not a good thing!”

“Look at this man still staring at us! Isn’t he ashamed at all! If I were him, I would have committed suicide! What a thick-skinned face!”

“Sure enough to be a child of the butcher’s family, born despicable and shameless!

Even if someone threatens him, he can’t hurt him like this! This person will definitely become a murderer in the future!”

The students onlookers hated Yuanping’s biting and bleeding, and they were shocked and frightened. Coupled with the contempt of the past, they naturally all vented, vented, and vented on the spot, and the words were poisonous and poisonous.

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