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"What are you going to do!!!"

There was a scream in the room where Ayun and Little Liu were hiding.

Little Liu was caught off guard and stabbed by Ayun, blood sprayed all over the room.
He looked at his friend in disbelief, the blood stuck in his throat, making him unable to say a word.

Ayun shook his hands, holding an eviscerator, and kept stabbing Little Liu on his body, stabbing him and saying, "Let him go, he doesn't want to die... Damn it is Little Liu" .

Little Liu didn't even know why his friend killed him so that he lost his breath and didn't look at him.

There was also a smell of blood coming from the direction where the others fled.
With screams, Lu Ren's eyes were blood-red, holding a fire axe he hadn't gotten from somewhere, and slashing people everywhere.

"Don't say it! I didn't kill anyone! You guys deserve to die! A group of social assholes! Hahaha!"

He chopped cleanly, blood splattered, and even a smug smile on his face.

"Don't even want to report a warning to me!"


The girls screamed and fled, pushing their companions in Lu Ren's direction in order to survive.

Countless shrill and helpless screams spread far.

Yao Ye listened to the screams one after another on his ears, only to feel that his soul was trembling, and the bloody smell lingering in his nose made him faintly nauseous.

He looked at Yunyou with a gentle expression in front of him, and his lips trembled slightly.

"Xiao Ye...injured..."

There was a touch of pity in Li Gui's scarlet eyes. He stretched out his hand and stroked his lover's blood-scarred forehead, soft as a feather.


Yunyou, who looked beyond recognition with no blood on his face, and Yao Ye, who was accustomed to Yunyou's gentle appearance, felt inexplicably scary.

He wanted to say something, but as soon as he uttered a sob, tears fell uncontrollably, making no sound.

"Did that flea hurt you?"

Li Gui's lips were red as blood, and he looked at the female ghost's body that was still wriggling behind his lover.

"Ah, I've been hiding, and even snatched Xiao Ye..."

The madness in Yunyou's original eyes turned into a smile at the corner of his mouth, drawing out a terrifying arc that belongs to the ghost.


In the next moment, the headless body of the female ghost also made a shrill cry, full of pain and unwillingness.

Thorny thorny--

Li Gui's pale and powerful hands tore the female ghost into many pieces, and the broken flesh and blood viscera mixed with the red blood on the ground formed a hellish picture on earth.

After a long time, when the female ghost stopped making a sound, Yunyou stopped her hand, and the black mist around her body wiped out the meat on the ground in an instant.

Then, he smiled happily, wiped the blood splashes on his cheeks with the back of his hand, and turned his head to look at his beloved lover.

"Happy? She finally won't bother us again..."

Never again...

They can be together happily...forever...

Seeing the blood-covered Malicious Ghost approaching him, Yao Ye sobbed and shook his head, backing desperately, while trying to free his hands from the chain.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now