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Jingle Bell–

The landline phone near the entrance was ringing constantly, and the ringing was extremely disturbing.

Someone answered the phone, and a faint whine of a woman came from the other end of the microphone: “Run away! My dear Zila—Zila—the villa! Don’t stay in—”

The cold-white man’s lips twitched slightly, quietly listening to the urgent advice of the woman over the microphone.

“Yunyou? What’s wrong?”

The young man who was watching TV in the living room looked over curiously.

The man’s cold eyebrows immediately softened a lot. He took the microphone and turned his head to look at the beloved young man, his tone of voice was as gentle as honey, kind and friendly.

“It’s okay, it’s an insurance salesman. Sorry, sir, my family doesn’t need insurance for the time being, goodbye.”

When Yao Ye heard that it was insurance, he looked away boredly. He thought it was a rich woman and worried about it for nothing.

It has been two days since the rich woman said that she was sick and was hospitalized, but he hasn’t heard anything about the rich woman yet, and he doesn’t even know what illness she has.

Why haven’t you called again?

Sitting on the sofa, Yao Ye changed channels depressedly, feeling overwhelmed with guilt in his heart, fearing that one day he did not follow the call from his rich wife and Yunyou discovered his true identity.

“Want some fruit?”

Yunyou brought a plate of cut fruits with a gentle smile.

Yao Ye hurriedly sat upright, smiled and thanked: “Okay, thanks!”

I only hope that when he is exposed in the future, the host of this villa can spare him a small life for the sake of welcoming him with a smile during this time.

Yunyou looked at his lover’s moving smile, and a trace of infatuation flashed in his eyes.

That’s it… be with him forever, his love.

“By the way, is Jiang Cai seriously ill? I haven’t seen her come back recently.” Yao Ye ate a crystal grape and pretended to mention the rich woman casually.

The gentle-tempered man heard the words and sighed. He seemed to be very worried: “It’s very serious. Her illness must be hospitalized. You should also know that my relationship with her is not good. She didn’t tell me what illness she had. I also got news from his population.”

After hearing this, Yao Ye paused with the fruit’s hand, a little worried about the rich woman.

If it’s such a serious matter, is it better for him to visit him?

After listening to Yao Ye’s request to visit Jiang Cai, Yunyou smiled faintly, and gently rubbed Yao Ye’s soft hair.

“It’s okay, please don’t worry too much. Jiang Cai is in a very safe place. She doesn’t want you to see her dying, so it’s better not to visit.”

“That’s it.”

Yao Ye hesitated, but looking at Yunyou’s gentle eyes, he couldn’t say anything to refute.

I always feel that everything is up to this point. Whatever he says, he is a little bit arrogant. People don’t want to let you go and catch up. The relationship with the rich woman should be so close to care about it.
Yao Ye didn’t want to arouse Yunyou’s suspicion for the time being, so he suppressed the idea of going to the hospital to visit the rich woman.

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