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The restaurant fell into silence. Whether it was the puppets being manipulated or the shocked outsiders, they all stood frozen in place, wondering what the situation is now.

An ordinary man stabbed **oss with a knife! He also made a noise to the boss in a green-hat tone!

What kind of blood series is this!

No, this is obviously a horror movie!

For a while, Kurokawa, Mina and others swallowed dryly. They were ready to watch the ordinary man being torn to pieces.

Regardless of whether this person is really crazy or admits the wrong person, if you dare to treat a murderous ghost boss like this, it is basically impossible to survive, and they are also helpless. It is more important to take this opportunity to find a way out. .

Thinking of this, several people quickly picked up Mui Ne, who was still limp on the ground, and simply bandaged her wound so that the skin that was about to fall off would not completely fall off.

“Hush! Be quiet, let’s go find the way first. When this man is dead, it will be too late, so hurry up while the boss’s attention is not here!” Fujiwara supported Mina with a lingering fear.

The scene just now was really scary. At that time, he was so close that he could almost see Malicious Ghost Rena’s pupils. The horrible brutality made him shudder, and he hasn’t slowed down yet.

“Quick! Quick! Mr. Tianteng! If you still want to save your life, you’d better follow us!”

At this dangerous moment, Kurokawa completely tore through the kind mask just now, holding a gun, and aimed at Tian Fuji, who was about to escape.

They need this story character very much now, as long as they escape from here, and then brainwash this story character into the appearance of deeply loving Shinto Rena, the boss who lacks love will definitely be hooked, and the grievance will dissipate, the curse will be automatically lifted, and the task will be It can be done logically.

The muzzle of the black hole pointed directly at the forehead.

Tian Teng went out of the tiger’s mouth and entered the wolf’s den. He used to be just a little clerk who had never seen the world before. He had seen a gun. He immediately looked like a dish, raised his hands and followed dejectedly.

The supported Mina was holding her face enduring the pain, half of her face was stained with blood, and the other half of her face was almost completely separated from the muscles and muscles on her face. His injuries were very serious.

Fortunately, this is not the real world, otherwise she will go crazy. The most important face for her female agent has been completely ruined, and the operation may not be able to return to its original state.

Enduring the painful cry from his mouth, Mui Ne followed his teammates cautiously towards the back door of the restaurant, trying to escape the ghost domain.

However, after experiencing the horrible scene just now, she was still a little panicked, and subconsciously glanced back.

Not far away, Rena, the female ghost with long black hair scattered in front of her face, was still standing there.

In the eyes of outsiders, this ghastly ghost was obviously angry, his body was full of suffocation, his face was expressionless, and his pitch-black eyes were terribly cold. Any normal person would leave a huge psychological shadow with such a gaze.

Yao Ye also thinks so.

“You… asshole!!!”

He looked at his indifferent wife in front of him, completely collapsed, and involuntarily lowered his head, unwilling to let people see his red eyes and tears.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now