3.1 Strange Proliferation

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Old Zhao watched as the numbers on the instrument gradually calmed down. Even if he doesn’t believe in evil, he has to admit that this ghost domain has been completely closed. Ordinary people should not be able to enter. Although this means that he cannot enter the seal, it is still good. News, at least in a short time, Lihe City can be much safer.

After a sigh of relief, Old Zhao had time to answer the doubts of his colleagues.
He drew out a cigarette without lighting it, only held it in his mouth, his eyes diverging.

“Up to now, I don’t hide it from you, or you already knew that the end of the world is about to come.”

The people in black heard these words again, somewhat weak.

“Lao Zhao, you have said this more than once…”

Old Zhao was in a daze, and smiled: “Really, oh, I’m sorry, I’m a little confused, hey, forget it, I should go back this time and I will hold a special meeting to explain this kind of thing. For a while, I can’t say clearly.”

The people in black looked at each other, knowing that they couldn’t ask anything now, so they had to give up.

Old Zhao looked at these very familiar and strange faces in front of him, his eyes vicissitudes of life.

These colleagues of his, always struggle on the front line, as long as it is a higher-level order, even if it is silly, they do not hesitate to implement it, just like this time, they clearly don’t understand anything, and they still follow him fully armed. coming.
They did the same in the previous life, broke into many ghost domains that were spreading without knowing it, and there was no news.

Before the end, many weird phenomena did appear in the world, many weird things appeared, some harmless, some hurting, which gave birth to their special event handling department, using some ancient metaphysical methods to deal with those disturbing residents The weirdness of life, as long as you are fully prepared, generally will not cause too much loss.

But no one thought that those grotesques were just a prelude to the end, and the real drama had just begun.

Two years after the present, evil thoughts in the world suddenly erupted.
Many ghost domains seem to emerge suddenly, and their initial performance is exactly the same as ordinary grotesques, so they are unprepared, only after close contact will they find desperately that they can’t compete with them.

The special event handling department suffered heavy losses before the end.

This also led to the complete maturity of the ghost realm in the later period, and when it began to embezzle human habitable areas on a large scale, the government had no available soldiers, and could only use countless ordinary soldiers' lives to fill the holes and win time for the people to evacuate.

But even so, in the end, nearly two-thirds of the land of the Dragon Kingdom fell.

To be precise, the whole world has fallen.

The end of the blue star has truly come, the world’s population has dropped by 70%, evil spirits and carrion are everywhere, and human society has completely collapsed.
This is the result of the evil infestation of the world.

The evil thoughts of the world are a synonym, an existence that can pollute the world. No one knows how it came about.
However, it relies on countless evil thoughts nourished by human society, and based on countless urban strange talks, many small parallel worlds have been derived.

These small parallel worlds are completely transformed into ghost domains after being polluted by strange talk, and they will continue to pollute the real world space. Once they are successfully polluted, it is over.

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