1.1 Abnormal Noise in the Morgue

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Since ancient times, people have been unable to understand, touch, and indescribable things called “grotesque”.
Time flies, in the era of the end of the law, the blue calendar in 2018, the grotesque resurrected, the era of evil spirits rampant in the world has come again, the grotesque in ancient legends quietly appeared in the crowd without knowing it.

At the very beginning, when the first grotesque appeared, all the governments on this blue star chose to conceal the people and prevent panic.

But over time, the weirdness slowly appeared in the lives of ordinary people.

The first strange story: the mortuary fire
Legend has it that in a hospital in Gui City, a full-time security guard in a morgue had a very ugly face and was a lame man. He was taciturn and gloomy, and was excluded by other colleagues in the hospital.

Because of physical disability and ugly face, everyone looked down on the security guard and avoided him like a snake, but the security guard secretly fell in love with a female nurse in the hospital.

One day, the security guard took a bunch of flowers to confess his confession, but the nurse rejected it contemptuously. After that, a fire broke out in the hospital morgue, and the security guard was suffocated alive in the morgue.

The fire spread along the morgue and burned down the entire hospital.

Everyone said that it was because the security guards who loved and hated set off the fire, but they also ruined themselves in it. The police were too lazy to investigate and closed the case.

But afterwards, the surviving colleagues in the hospital discovered a terrible thing.
There will always be a man’s shadow in their home. His figure is erratic, exuding the smell of burnt scorch. In the dead of night, the sound of limping when walking is often heard outside the door.

They were terrified, believing that the arson security guard came to take revenge, they could not sleep well day and night, and their spirits were on the verge of collapse.
Even if everyone persuaded them that the security guard was dead and impossible to show up, they could not calm down and their emotions became more and more out of control.

As a result, two weeks after the hospital fire, all the surviving doctors went mad to varying degrees and went to a mental hospital. Some people even went missing directly, with no one being alive or dead, and even the police could not find out their whereabouts.

As for the nurse who refused the security?
Naturally, there is no news.

It’s just that Gui City has since then added a strange urban strange story.

In the middle of the night, if you are walking alone, don’t stop at the abandoned hospital that suddenly emerges from the corner, otherwise, you will see the shadows of humans that once existed vividly, bewitching you to enter this hospital with no exit.

If you run into this hospital, don’t look back after running away, even if you hear the sound of strangers following you step by step…

Guishi Renai Hospital
Late at night, half past eleven.


The signature pen on his hand fell to the ground, Yao Ye sighed weakly, bent over and lowered his head to pick up the pen, his clean white coat wrinkled with his movements.

Since becoming an intern, he hasn’t been idle. The various departments don’t even talk about it. He still does some lay-up work. Working overtime is even more commonplace. He often has to wait until one or two in the night to get off work and go home. Get up before dawn and catch the bus to clock in to work.

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