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Enduring the unspeakable shame, Yao Ye almost squeezed these words out of his teeth, saying that the whole person was collapsed, and he felt that his face was almost gone.

A big man, unexpectedly…

Damn, damn blank, he must be on purpose! Play him on purpose!

Yao Ye’s face was flushed, and he didn’t dare to lift his head. He only raised his eyelids tremblingly, looked at the computer screen in front of him, and found the pleasant answer on it, and his heart was mixed.

This blank, what on earth are you thinking about, the brain is broken after death? Playing this stuff with a man…

Or is he simply humiliating him?

Yao Ye couldn’t figure it out, but it was not when he was thinking about this thing. He clenched his fist and said with a slight tremor, “Then, how do I leave here now?”

There is no response on the computer screen.

The mouse cursor flickered, with a silent weirdness in the white document interface.

Upon seeing this, Yao Ye’s breathing was stagnant, and his fists clenched again.

He bowed his head and re-said in a low voice like a mosquito: “Husband? I…what should I do now?”

——[Ye’er don’t be afraid, just open the door, I will help Ye’er. ]

——[I will protect Ye’er forever. (Laughs)]

The rose icon flashes at the end of the text, like sticky blood, sinful and beautiful.

After reading the words on the computer, Yao Ye looked at the door not far away timidly, still a little scared.

But staying here all the time is not a way. Who knows if the monster will knock on the door again, if she really knocks the door open, he will be dead.

Yao Ye gritted his teeth, still preparing to go out.

Walking to the door, Yao Ye shook the doorknob, paused, and then turned to look at the computer screen.

“…Please…even if you are going to die, I hope it is in your hands.”

It would appear that he was more than guilty of death…Uh, he died well, rather than just inexplicably dying in a little-known Internet cafe.

At least, there is a reason to let him, this sad guy, die…

Thinking of this, Yao Ye’s eyes were dim and his face was pale.

After this incident, he could understand that there were wolves before and tigers behind. It wasn’t a death to die. Anyway, he was dead. It was nothing more than a better way to die.

Die in blank hands, at least after death can be left with a “love kill” romantic name, dying in an Internet cafe, saying it is a joke.

The cursor in the document flashed for a while, and no more words were typed.

The ghost invisible to human eyes hugged Yao Ye intimately, and kissed the corners of his eyebrows and eyes with a little excitement, showing a morbidly obsessive smile on his face.

Live and die together, just wish to die in each other’s hands.

In the eyes of Ghost Shadow, such a plea is tantamount to the sweetest love words in the world and the strongest aphrodisiac.

For a while, even its long-dead heart began to beat violently.

They are in love with each other, and no one can break their love.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now