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[According to the latest news from our station, a fire broke out in an Internet cafe in Yuxun City, which resulted in 10 deaths and 30 injuries. The cause of the fire is suspected of aging electrical appliances. At present, the police have intervened to investigate the case…]

On the TV station, the dignified hostess was broadcasting the news solemnly. Yao Ye, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, was almost asleep, and suddenly he woke up when he heard a familiar name.

Ten thousand Internet cafes? Isn’t this the internet cafe he went to last night?

With a trace of fear in his surprise, Yao Ye watched the news carefully.

This news report was not long, it ended in a minute or two, and several corpses that were carried on a stretcher were skipped in the screen.

Although there are mosaics on the screen to respect the dead, Yao Ye still recognizes one of them.

A corpse covered in black and yellow hair.

Obviously, it was the yellow-haired bastard snuggled by the red skirt girl he saw yesterday.

The death is really miserable.

Yao Ye was stunned for a while, then rubbed the goose bumps on his arm with a pale face.

If Bai Bai didn’t help him yesterday, wouldn’t he end up with a miserable ending like that of Huang Mao?

very scary……

Yao Ye felt a little aftermath and couldn’t help but glance at the kitchen.

The sound of the water has stopped, the dishes are neatly placed in the cupboard, and the entire kitchen is quiet.

Blank, what a strange ghost.

Yao Ye shrank on the sofa blankly, at a loss.

A violent ghost who wants to kill will help people escape from the wicked ghost, but also help with cooking and washing dishes?

Is there really such a gentle ghost?

Yao Ye’s thoughts became confused, and he looked down at his bruised fingers that had been bitten, looking helpless.

Starting from hitting ghosts yesterday, the practice of being blank has completely exceeded Yao Ye’s imagination.

Blank, completely unlike the bloodthirsty and brutal ghost described in a horror movie.

On the one hand, he is still afraid of blank revenge, on the other hand, he is strangely less fearful.

Facing a terrible ghost, lost the sense of fear that a normal person should have.

Yao Ye didn’t know whether this was good or bad.

There is a snail girl in the house who can wash dishes and cook. It seems not bad?

It’s just that if the snail girl is a person…

Yao Ye’s eyes were empty, and he was thinking about some messy things, and his whole person seemed quite depressed.

The tall ghost held the black-haired young man on the sofa in his arms and nudged it obsessively.

It has no blood, and its pale arms with clear textures are locked tightly to the lover in his arms, and he refuses to relax the slightest.

The quiet Ye’er is so cute.


When the phone rang, Yao Ye suddenly recovered, picking up the phone on the side in a hurry, and saw that it was an unfamiliar local number.

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