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“No body? Could it be that the body was removed?”

“No, if we were really moved away, the police would have arrested us long ago, bah, they rescued us from the gunmen!"

“That’s right!”

People in the car talked a lot.

Yao Ye was undecided, and couldn’t figure out what these people were talking about. He could only shrink into the corner seat without saying a word, his pale little face looked very pitiful.

Just as everyone in the bus was discussing whether to drive away, there were intensive gunfire in the building in front.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Everyone shivered with fright, and they all leaned forward to the car window, trying to see what was happening outside.

“Quick! Retreat! Ten seconds before the explosion!”

Wang Gang was full of blood and ran outside the building with a roar.

Behind him, the remaining five soldiers were equally embarrassed and ran out of the building with all their strength.

Just one second after they ran out of the building, the explosion sounded through the entire city center, and the ground trembled.

There was a sky full of fire in the Mingshi Building, and thick smoke filled half of the sky.

Upon seeing this, everyone in the bus was shocked.

They really didn’t expect these guns to be so courageous and cruel enough that they could even explode and bomb them!

The bus compartment suddenly became quiet, no one dared to mention the escape, for fear that the next person to be bombed or killed is himself.

Yao Ye stared blankly at the destruction of the familiar building outside the car window, his expression overwhelmingly sad.

In the past, when Mingan was still alive, he was arrogant and often came to this building to show off his power, shouting and drinking to the employees with higher education than him, just like a villain.

Mingan didn’t mean to dislike it at all, and even deliberately held a meeting, telling the employees seriously that Yao Ye is his favorite beloved and the boss of this company.

If you offend your darling, you can just resign and leave.

Thinking of Mingan’s clumsy and cute look, Yao Ye showed nostalgia, and his eyes turned to pain when he turned to the building ahead.

He really didn’t know why things suddenly became like this…

He killed his lover who had come back from the dead…and the lover began to haunt him lingeringly.

Mingan…Does he want to let himself go down to accompany him?

Yao Ye gritted his teeth thinking about the people with glazed eyes he had just met and the familiar enthusiasm in their expressions.

But, why!
He became a little boy and asked for Mingan’s money, but that was not enough to keep him a life-long widow for Mingan, nor was it enough to cost him his life!

He doesn’t want to die, absolutely not!

Yao Ye retracted his eyes and clenched his fists.

After thinking about going, he decided to book a ticket to leave the city after he got to a safe place for a while.

He didn’t believe it, Mingan could still chase him to the end of the world!

“Open the door!!!”

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now