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There was darkness in front of Yao Ye.

He felt a strange touch on his body, floating on his skin exposed to the cloth.

This cold feeling reminded him of the poisonous snake, the cool scales and the gloomy whistle, all made Yao Ye frightened.


Is it the poisonous snake?

There was a cold feeling on the cheeks.

The cold is like the breath of the dead.

Yao Ye trembled, opening his eyes in vain in the dark, and his entire soul was distorted into a fragile shape by the invisible fear.

“Help me…oooo…who will…help me…”

He muttered silently, no one responded.

Yao Ye couldn’t move, he felt like a ghost press.

He was lying on the floor, he could clearly feel every limb of himself, but he couldn’t control this body in any way, and he could only let the soft and terrifying touch drift on his cheeks.

This terrifying feeling of being touched made Yao Ye feel itchy, but more, it was a kind of fear from the unknown.

Yao Ye is not a brave person. He has always been very afraid of watching ghost movies, even a little scary suspense novel.

But he also knows some ancient folk rumors, the ghost press is one of the most widely known.

When ghosts take advantage of people’s deep sleep, they climb into the bed and sleep with them, which will make people feel like being pressed by heavy objects and unable to move.

Is it… a ghost?

All five senses were lost, and Yao Ye shuddered, leaving only the touch, as if he could smell the smell of his near death in his nose, which made people tremble.

Only ghosts can do this.

Yao Ye answered his own question in his heart, becoming more disturbed.

The touch on his body became more and more arbitrary, and Yao Ye was unable to resist.

This kind of unpredictable and unpredictable situation caused Yao Ye’s heart to shrink, panting in fear, only to feel that the air around his body became thinner and thinner, so thin that he could barely breathe.

No…no…he don’t want to die…

He doesn’t want to die…

This ghost is blank…is that blank?

Yao Ye remembered the weird figure he saw before he plunged into the darkness and the feeling of being embraced at that time. He paled anxiously and made a low whimper.

Because he dumped him, so…

Is it coming for revenge?


After understanding the reason, Yao Ye was so regretful that his intestines were blue. He really regretted starting with blank. If he had not chosen to scam him at the time, how could he have gotten this terrible situation.

However, no matter how much regret is said, it will no longer help.

Yao Ye opened his hollow eyes helplessly, tears sliding down the soft-lined cheeks between the temples, appearing extremely fragile and pitiful.

“I’m sorry… please forgive me… I’m sorry…”

Yao Ye cried and begged. He couldn’t hear his own voice. He could only feel the coldness on his skin stagnating for a moment, and seemed to be moved by his words.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now