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“I really don’t understand, is it okay to go to school? I have to engage in school bullying! Interesting?” The white-haired man frowned, his face tense, and the disgust in his eyes almost overflowed.

‘Yao Ye’ didn’t say a word, but looked at him blankly, with a deep chill in his eyes.

Just when the white-haired man was so unreliable, Da Wave and Sister Mei also walked over behind him.

She fiddled with the hair on the side of her neck with amorous feelings, and smiled: “Long time no see, Yao Ye, it seems that you are doing pretty well, your face is getting more and more beautiful.”

Sister Mei looked at Yao Ye’s exquisite face as always, her eyes full of malice.

She hates this kind of innocent face most, thinking that having a pure face can be liked by everyone, just like her little third stepmother, she should die!

‘Yao Ye’ didn’t speak, glanced at her, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Damn it, there’s one more.

The black-haired young man smiled faintly, obviously a smiling face, but it gave people a strange feeling, terribly cold.

Sister Mei faced the smiling face of’Yao Ye', she only felt a chill in her heart, she unconsciously showed timidity, and took a step back.

But then he came back to his senses with anger and anger, and said with a sneer: “Oh, this look is really much scarier than the gloomy look of the past. Is it possible, Yao Ye, do you still hate the original thing?”

Sister Mei covered her mouth and laughed: “You won’t be so careful, you are a man anyway, can you be generous!”


No one noticed, the chandelier in the banquet hall was making an overwhelming noise.

“Yao Ye” was surrounded by black mist that was invisible to human eyes, spreading until it covered the entire hotel building.

It looked at Sister Mei gloomily, as if looking at a corpse.

Lie, this woman is lying.

Ye’er is unhappy, everything that makes Ye’er unhappy shouldn’t exist.

The white-haired man was at a loss. He didn’t know what Sister Mei was talking to the short man. He seemed to have a good relationship.

So, he scratched the back of his head in a jealous manner, and said, “Xiaomei, what is it, what is your relationship with him, friend? Isn’t he bullying you?”

Sister Mei rolled her eyes. She didn’t expect her face to be pretty good, but her brain was not good enough, and she couldn’t even hear the polite words.

She was chatting with a few former little sisters, when she was talking about a middle-aged man who had recently been deceived into bankruptcy by her on the Internet, the white-haired man suddenly intervened.

I didn’t want to talk about it, but seeing that he was in good shape, Sister Mei immediately moved her heart and decided to hook up. She had a good time for a while, and she also pulled out a period of campus bullying to gain sympathy.

I just didn’t expect this person to be so real and really want to avenge her, but forget it, this is also a manifestation of her charm.

Thinking of this, Sister Mei smiled complacently, and then frowned, pretending to be innocent: “After all, I used to be a classmate, and I was not too good to be too much. Besides, he didn’t do anything heinous.”

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