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Seeing the strange head on the stairs, everyone was shocked and panicked.

“Who, who killed…”

Du Ci walked away from the stairs in fear, and the others followed suit.

A Yun, who was mad at the gate, was still yelling, but no one paid any attention. Everyone looked at the owner of this villa-middle-aged man Lu Ren.

Sweating profusely, Lu Ren waved his hands again and again to explain: “It has nothing to do with me! I don’t know how there is a head here! I really didn’t do it!!!”

Although he is vain and arrogant, he has no guts to kill others. Besides, he is still holding a housewarming banquet. Doesn’t this mean surrendering in disguise!
At this time, Little Liu, who was still groaning and moaning weakly, saw the appearance of the head clearly and screamed in surprise.

“It’s her! It’s her! That female ghost!! Ooo! I’m so scared to save me!”

Hearing this, everyone could not help turning to the tattered head on the stairs.
Is there really a ghost in this world?

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, a black shadow appeared out of thin air in the corridor on the second floor, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a trace of a cracked floor.

“You!!! Damn!!!”

A male voice full of anger shook the soul numb, like a devil who has been performed countless times in all human film and television works, and brought endless fear to people.


The scream of another woman almost pierced everyone’s eardrums.

The space is shattering, and everyone downstairs horribly saw two vague ghosts chasing after me, fighting endlessly, and everything they passed was broken.

“My… decoration…”

Lu Ren wanted to cry without tears as he watched all the furniture that he had spent a lot of money to put all of them into rags that no one wanted.

The two ghosts only appeared for a while, but disappeared into the air for a moment, leaving the people downstairs awakening like a dream.

“What was it just now?”

Wu Qing looked at the mess upstairs in disbelief, almost suspecting that he was dreaming.

No one thinks about who owns that head anymore. The only thought in everyone’s mind is to leave here quickly.

Little Liu was so scared that he turned around and ran towards the gate even if the blood was still bleeding on his arm.

“I want… I want to go home oh…”

What kind of spirit, what video, he didn’t think about it, he just wanted to go home.
Seeing someone running away, everyone who had been shocked also followed to the gate, not daring to think about what they saw just now.

What are those two shadows?

Space refracted light? Or is it something that humans cannot say?

No one dared to think about it, but desperately to comfort oneself, as an illusion, just go out.

However, the people who came to the door really fell into despair.

The door cannot be opened anyway.

Even if he tried to kick and smash, the door remained motionless.

A Yun, who was still yelling and yelling, was completely desperate, squatting down by the door and crying, his spirit seemed to be abnormal.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now