8.17 (end)

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The night was deep, and it was 3:30 in the morning.

In the kitchen, the heat is rising, the red light on the base of the kettle turns to green, and the water is ready.

With a pale face, Yao Ye picked up the kettle and made a cup of coffee. Soon, a refreshing cup of hot coffee was ready.

Yao Ye stretched out his hand for the coffee cup with composure, his trembling fingers failed to hold the handle of the coffee cup several times, and finally he barely clenched it.

A cup of coffee may make you feel better.

Yao Ye comforted himself in this way, but his lips quivered unconsciously, and there was still unending fear in his black and white eyes.


The coffee eventually spilled all over the floor, and the hot coffee on the floor exuded a hot smell.

A strange noise came from behind Yao Ye, and a rush of frightening footsteps approached, making Yao Ye yell out of fright.

“Don’t come here! I’m not hot!”

Yao Ye didn’t even dare to turn his head back. He was really scared.

In the middle of the night, I was scared and awake, and even the original spring heart was wiped out. Now he needs a person to be quiet, and he really can’t spare time to deal with Ellen’s magical brain circuit.

Behind him, the bloody skeleton ghost seemed to be a little injured. It looked worriedly at his lover’s ankle being burned by the hot coffee, and wanted to pick up the lover to deal with the wound, but… Seeing the lover resisted, it stopped hesitantly Footsteps.

My dear seems to be still angry…

Is it because this body is still there?

The ghost was sad, and looked down at his body, wondering if he would go to the crematorium to burn it.

Although it will cause the soul to be injured, as long as the dear is not angry, no matter what.


Yao Ye turned his back to Ellen and turned around blankly after a while psychological preparation.

As expected, Ellen was standing by the dining table, only less than ten meters away from himself.

A humanoid ghost like a skeleton, staring at him with a pair of black scarred eye sockets, his body is still oozing black and red blood, standing not far from him, showing almost coveted gaze, enough to arouse any human beings to the alien. And unknown.

It has nothing to do with love and hate, it is the instinctive fear deep in the human subconscious.

Yao Ye didn’t expect to experience the scene like this horror movie in the real world.

“…Uh, Ellen…”

Yao Ye still couldn’t hold back, showing his timidity, and swallowed.

Ellen stood in place obediently, looking at his beloved human being, trying to make his lover look at his own peace and forgive his deception before.


Yao Ye fell silent, and he suddenly didn’t know what to say.

“Ellen, I really need to rest, can you go home first today… at least today, don’t come here.”

This is the only rhetoric that Yao Ye can think of at the moment. Perhaps after a break, he will be more awake tomorrow. He was frightened by everything in the bedroom just now. It is a miracle that he can speak normally now.

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