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The more Yao Ye thought about it, the more melancholy he became, and his steps couldn’t help slowing down.

The four soldiers behind him immediately took their guns to the back of Yao Ye’s head.
Yao Ye had no choice but to continue walking forward.

Soon he arrived at the front door of the villa. Yao Ye looked at the weirdly opened door. He had a sense of horror as he explored a haunted house. was afraid that Mingan’s death revenge would be Mingan’s revenge when he entered.

Standing in front of the door, several soldiers also saw the open door.

They glanced at each other, keenly aware of something wrong.

Generally speaking, the door of a villa is tightly locked. This undefended state is absolutely abnormal.

They whispered and discussed for a while, arranged the sealing steps after entering the villa, and decided to make a quick decision in a while and complete the sealing as soon as possible.

They took out many seal props from their respective pockets, ready to enter the villa to seal at any time.

Yao Ye, who was like a wooden stake, couldn’t understand the “story” and “seals” of these people. He just lowered his head and feared the guns in their hands, so he stood still.

After a while, he blinked, staring dumbly at the black donkey hoofs, glutinous rice, yellow symbols, etc. that the soldiers carried with him, and the things that didn’t go well with military uniforms, Sanguan almost broke.

At first he thought that the “seal” in these populations was the code name of the mission, and co-authoring was really a metaphysical seal!

Seeing the soldiers' pockets full of dangling props, Yao Ye looked speechless, thinking that these people might have brain problems.

What era are these now, and there are still feudal superstitions…

But wait, they are not here to seal Mingan!
Yao Ye, who silently laughed at these old feudals, suddenly blessed his soul, remembering the abnormality after Mingan’s death, and then looked up at the villa, his face turned pale.

It’s miserable, these guys, it is estimated that Mingan was really attracted.

First it was Mingshi Mansion and then this villa. It wouldn’t work if it wasn’t for Mingan.

Yao Ye suddenly lost the thought of mocking them, but looked at the seal props in the soldiers' hands very vigilantly.

Although he didn’t want to believe in these remnants of feudalism, what if by chance, what if Mingan is really hurt by them?

Yao Ye remembered the ghosts in the ghost movies he had seen before, those ghosts that were sealed by the Taoist priests, and even lost their souls. His complexion was very ugly for a while.

Yao Ye didn’t want Mingan to die again.
He was really scared.

I was afraid that the corpse-throwing scene that night would reappear, and I was also afraid that I would lose this lover I finally fell in love with.

In the past, even when he was dating his ex-girlfriend, he was just holding an indifferent mentality and felt that it was time to fall in love, so he started a relationship. When he was finally dumped, he never dated a few times, except for feeling embarrassed. Besides, there is no feeling of heartache.

Before meeting Mingan, he never felt that there is such a thing as love in this world, but now, when he really fell in love with Mingan, he began to experience the feeling of care but chaos.

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