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The solid frozen meat in the refrigerator is like ordinary cold meat, no different.

Yao Ye felt that he was dazzled just now, and couldn’t help leaning forward, wanting to look more closely.

“Let me take a look.”

The cold-white-skinned man suddenly approached Yao Ye, his voice still gentle and elegant but with an unrejectable tone.

Yao Ye was stunned, stood up and retreated from his seat.

“I don’t know what’s going on, suddenly a lot of blood came out…” Yao Ye looked at Yunyou, who was bending over to observe the refrigerator, with a helpless expression.

hope you don’t get misunderstood that he broke the refrigerator.

He can’t afford to pay for such an expensive refrigerator.

Yao Ye, who had a petty citizen mentality, was a little nervous, staring at Yunyou’s tight-lined profile, for fear that he would turn his face and make himself lose money.
Blood is constantly leaking from the frozen grid of the freezer, red like human blood.
Yunyou’s gaze was faint, brutality and bloodthirsty flashed through the blood-red eyes under his eyelids.

Damn flea-dare to hinder the happiness he finally got.

“Well, there seems to be something wrong, ah, I blame the servants, the food I bought was left for too long, but fortunately they were all fired–”

The gentleman looked at the refrigerator troubledly, his slender fingers resting on the refrigerator door, gently covering the shards of flesh and blood shaking in the ice.

“But it’s okay. I’ll call the after-sales service to fix it later.”

Yunyou turned to look at her worried lover, her bright red lips curled up, and her lips became more red and white with white teeth. He was handsome and handsome, unlike a 33-year-old man.

“Xiao Ye will bring the food to the table first. I will clean the ground and go.”

Seeing that Yunyou didn’t mean to settle the account, Yao Ye was relieved and smiled.

“Okay, you must try my craft this time!”

“Well! It’s great if you smell it! Little Ye is really amazing!”

Yao Ye was embarrassed by the praise, and was busy carrying the tray with the food out of the kitchen.

In the kitchen, only Yunyou was left.

After confirming that his lover had gone away, he gave a soft “tsk”, and the hostility between his brows quickly overwhelmed the gentleness.

In an instant, the black mist swept across like black mud, swallowing all blood and flesh.

It’s really bad. I divided the villa into too many parts when I lost my mind. Now that flea hides itself everywhere…

Yunyou tiredly reclosed the fresh refrigerator door, turned and walked out of the kitchen.

“Xiao Ye, I brought the porridge, let’s eat together.”

The man’s expression returned to its former softness, as if the tyrannical resentment just now was just an illusion.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! Come on, the meal is getting cold!”
Yao Ye waved to Yunyou with a brilliant smile.

The smile on Yunyou’s face deepened, and the love in the depths of his eyes became deeper.

No one should try to hinder his happiness.
after dinner,

Yunyou and Yao Ye went back to their rooms to rest.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now