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After entering the house, Yao Ye poured a cup of tea for the four strangers specially, and then talked about the abnormality in the house with anxiety.

“…It’s becoming more and more like ritual…but it’s not coming out often recently.”

Sitting on one side of the sofa, the middle-aged uncle and his teammates looked at each other, both were surprised.

Because, the wife sitting in front of them is too much like a real person.

When they came to the dungeon before, this wife was like a robot, with a low tone of voice, expressionless, completely like an NPC and ai.

Now it looked a lot more agile, and those dark eyes flashed with real-life fear and anxiety. If they hadn’t known in advance that this was a dungeon world, they might really treat this person as an ordinary person.

Perhaps the game has optimized the operating mechanism of npc.

Everyone thought so, and then they pretended to be more calm. Since the game is more real, it won’t work if you don’t pretend to be true. You have to be more careful.

“Don’t worry, we are here for this. If you really want to get rid of this ghost, you still need your cooperation.”

Yao Ye nodded, indicating that he must cooperate. The ghost infant who grew more and more like her husband had always been a thorn in his heart. He wanted to drive this ghost out in his dreams.

The middle-aged uncle took it on with satisfaction, exaggerating the depth of the ghost’s resentment, which is rare in the world, even if they are, they need to live here for seven days and arrange the villa to completely eliminate the ghost baby .

Yao Ye naturally agreed. The Green Mountain Villa is divided into three floors and covers a large area. There are enough empty rooms to house these ghost hunters, but these people who suddenly come to the door still make Yao Ye a little suspicious.

He smiled and pretended to ask casually: “Masters have worked hard, I will arrange a room for you later, but Yuxun City is so far from Aegean City, why are you here for?” Yuxun City It’s a Longjiang River from Aegean City and across a state. It takes two days to take the high-speed rail. How come I came here to catch ghosts by such a coincidence.

Yao Ye still had a brain. He was confused just now, but now that he thinks about it, he feels something is wrong.

Hearing this, the middle-aged uncle’s hand stroking the beard paused, embarrassed.

He didn’t know the reason, the origins were all made up of nonsense. He had come like this before, so why did he ask this time?

Seeing that the situation is not good, the young brother Qiang hurriedly said, “Hahaha, that’s because we exchanged experience with the Ghostbusters Association of the Aegean City and sent us to teach our advanced ghostbusting skills. Passing by you, I was so angry at the sight that my conscience couldn’t bear it, so I took the liberty to knock on the door—”

Yao Ye heard this, and felt that the reason was barely enough, so he had to laugh at it, still a little doubtful in his heart.

The’husband', who had been taciturn on one of the sofas, squinted his eyes and looked at the outsiders with a rather cold expression.

The smell of rotten soul, disgusting…

‘Shili’ is suppressing the killing intent in his heart.

For some reason, from the first moment he saw these people, ‘he’ wanted to tear all these people to pieces, especially unable to bear their proximity to their wives, and always felt that these disgusting things would stain his wives.

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