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In the guest bedroom, Yao Ye, who was covered with the quilt, only felt cold all over.

He couldn’t imagine how perverted a man who had known the people living in his attic would be able to guard outside the door for half an hour without knocking, just to see how his ex-wife’s lover panicked.

Or, that guy is just a simple voyeur!

Yao Ye seemed to have forgotten his history of voyeurism in the attic, and cursed this perverted man with integrity.

There is such a perverted guy in this world, it is really scary.

Yao Ye was shaking like a sieve, looking through the gap of the quilt outside the door of the guest bedroom, and saw the dark shadow projected from under the door.

The guy really stood there motionless.
hateful! Too abnormal!

Yao Ye was so frightened that he cursed repeatedly, but no matter how he cursed the man outside, he couldn’t conceal his inner fear at the moment.

As a citizen who has always abided by laws and disciplines, has he never seen such a perverted guy?

You said you learned that a stranger lives in your home, shouldn’t the first reaction be to call the police?

What’s the matter of standing still outside the gate so quietly!

Even the police didn’t report it… Could it be that it was murderous?

Yao Ye’s face changed at the thought of this layer, and he shook more severely.

Yes, the guy who can wait so patiently at the door, waiting for him to open the door to die, is there any other reason besides the murderous intention?

Isn’t it? You are already divorced, this is too exaggerated.

Yao Ye almost cried in fright, tightening the quilt a little bit, curled up inside and dared not move.

He just wanted to be a little boy eating soft rice, why would his life be in danger?

The more Yao Ye thought about it, the more frustrated he was. After so many days of good life in this life, it was about to be gone. In the end, he had to lose his life. It was too bad, it was too bad.


A low whimper came from the quilt, Yao Ye couldn’t bear the huge psychological pressure, and he couldn’t catch his breath in the hypoxic environment of the quilt.

In order not to disturb the man outside, he had to bite his hand to prevent himself from crying too loudly, and his nose was flushed with grievance.

The black shadow invisible to human eyes gently embraced the trembling lover in the quilt, gently stroked his back, obsessed with the lover’s helpless sobbing.

His little guy… is as fragile as if you can only live on him…

It’s… so pathetic…

Such a little guy is… so good…

This way the little guy will never leave him…

The black shadow raised the corners of his mouth, and his pale face was full of ghosts' greed and possessiveness.

The lover is his, and it can only be his.

Yao Ye cried and didn’t want to cry anymore. He wiped away his tears, then looked out and found that the shadow was still there.

What is it? have to stand all night to scare him to death?

Yao Ye’s heart ignited with anger, and for a while he was so young that he simply refused to hide, opened the quilt and looked for a weapon in the room.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now