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In the kitchen, Xiaoli, the dark-eyed nanny, twitched her lips and laughed.

The tight facial muscles are well controlled, just like a normal person. Only those unusually dark eyes make people peek out something unusual.

The hall and the kitchen of the villa are directly connected, and you can directly see the open kitchen in front when you go downstairs. Therefore, from Yao Ye’s perspective, you can intuitively see every expression of “Xiao Li”.

A slightly contradictory expression.

Yao Ye frowned slightly, always feeling that there was something wrong with Xiaoli today, but he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

However, since he was the first to lose his mind, he couldn’t say much, so he pulled the corners of his clothes awkwardly, ready to go back and change his clothes quickly.

He thought it was the time ceremony underneath, so he put on a piece of clothing casually and came down.

It is too embarrassing to expose the taste of this boyfriend’s shirt to outsiders.

“Cough! Okay, then you go ahead, I won’t bother.”

After speaking, Yao Ye looked at the kitchen knife next to “Xiao Li” and the neatly arranged meals not far away, and a strange trace of his eyes flashed across his eyes.

It’s strange, isn’t the meal already prepared? Do you still need a kitchen knife?

However, Yao Ye was busy going back to the bedroom to change clothes, without taking this doubt to heart, turned around and left.

In the kitchen, “Xiao Li”’s scorching gaze followed until the slender back of the black-haired young man disappeared, and then she retracted her gaze quite disappointedly.

So beautiful, really want it.

It was the only thought in its mind at this time.

The young girl with a single ponytail trembled slightly, and the corners of her mouth could not be controlled, and her dark eyes were full of passionate possessiveness and crazy love.

“I really want… I really want… mine, originally, it should be mine!”

The girl covered her face with trembling hands, panting as quickly as she couldn’t breathe, her eyes showing through her fingers were bloodshot.

A pair of spiteful and terrifying eyes, like a ghost returning from hell, horrible.

“Hehehe——I’ll be back soon, all…”

The twisted and strange murmur stopped abruptly, leaving only a creepy laugh.

In the spacious hall, the floor-to-ceiling windows spilled a lot of sunlight, but the gloomy coolness of the warm room.

Upstairs, in the bedroom,

Yao Ye quickly changed his clothes. He straightened his messy hair and looked at himself in the mirror.

He knows that in the eyes of outsiders, he looks good, but in his own eyes he is not satisfied.

Because he is a man after all, and his looks are very handsome with a youthful look, no matter how soft he can be compared to the feminine.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye stopped the hand that was arranging his hair. The long, slightly curly hair on his cheeks was wrapped around his slender fingers, black and white.

When he was a teenager, Shi Li, a classmate, once praised Yao Ye’s beauty many times, and every time he was obsessed with him, as if he really loved him.

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