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When Yao Ye was so dizzy that he was almost unable to breathe,‘Alexander’ finally stopped moving.

It left Yao Ye’s swollen lips and rubbed Yao Ye’s cheek lovingly and sweetly.

“So cute~ How can my dear be so cute?”

Yao Ye’s eyes were empty, his expression blank, panting, his bright red lips opened slightly, revealing the tip of his tongue that was almost numb from the cold inside.

He also wanted to know how he got into so many perverts.

His mouth is too cold now, is this really what a kiss should feel?

Yao Ye who kissed for the first time really didn’t want to do it again, it was too uncomfortable.

After the kiss, Ellen continued cooking contentedly. Yao Ye looked at the sharp kitchen utensils away from him, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Gulu Gulu-a pot of hot vegetables, Mapo tofu is burning on the fire.

‘Alexander’ has never dealt with Chinese food, but he still cooks carefully according to the recipes he has studied before, and attentively stirs the dishes in the pot. The contoured face is actually a strange one that makes people unable to move his eyes. charm.

Yao Ye was in a trance, and after watching for a while, he always felt that the Alexander in front of him was slightly different from the Alexander before him. A strong sense of disobedience made him feel distorted. He always felt that some changes that he did not know had happened quietly Up.

‘Alexander’ seems to be very good at cooking, even if he is not familiar with the cuisine, he can quickly get started, and a simple Chinese meal is ready in a short while.

“Honey~ try it! This time! I won’t let you down!”

Ellen sat obsessively next to her lover, clasped her fingers tightly, and raised her mouth expectantly.

My dear, will like it very much this time, and won’t fall down like before…

Yao Ye looked at the shining eyes of’Alexander' beside him, and was a little confused thinking about these “disappointments” and other things. Why did this guy always say that he would not let him down anymore? It’s like cooking for him before…

Wait, before? The stalker before?

Yao Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and his chopsticks froze when he was about to pick up the vegetables.


Seeing the lover who paused suddenly, Ellen approached suspiciously, and his cold lips kissed his lover’s earlobe lightly.

“What’s the matter? Honey, don’t you have an appetite?”

Yao Ye was frozen by the temperature of his earlobe, and shook his head hard, saying, “No, no, it’s just a bit…er…”

Yao Ye organized the language, looked at ‘Alexander’ with a bloodless face, and said, “Is it you who made me breakfast before?”

‘Alexander’’s handsome face pulled out a smile, and his pale face was full of deep love. He didn’t know why his lover suddenly asked about this.

Who else but him, my dear must be playing around again.

“Honey, why did you suddenly ask about this? Isn’t it always me?”

Yao Ye looked at this guy without guilt, with an innocent expression on his face, choking for a while, and he was speechless.

“Hahaha…Yeah, there is nothing to ask.”

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