4.16 (end)

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“Well, we will always be together.”

After a while, Yuanping, who had recovered from his senses, slowly softened his gaze, revealing an idiotic smile.

Yao Ye looked at this silly big guy with his eyebrows crooked.

How did it feel to fall in love for the first time!


In the empty factory building, only two violently beating hearts sounded in each other’s ears.

“…Cough, where’s my clothes?”

After staring at each other for a long time, Yao Ye turned away his gaze with a blush, and asked in a low voice.

He is now wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, his upper body is naked and naked, and it is even more fleshy when he is held in his arms by Yuanping.

As a result of his confession, Yao Ye’s body is now red hot like a shrimp, and there is some fine sweat on the skin. Yuanping’s body temperature is slightly cool, but he has become hot now.

Just determined that the relationship is just like this… Will the big guy think that he is a little unreserved?

This distance was too far below the neck to describe, Yao Ye’s face grew redder.


After listening to Yao Ye’s question, Yuanping put his arms around Yao Ye and lowered his eyes with guilty conscience.
The clothes… were torn apart by him accidentally.

After Yao Ye lost consciousness, Yuanping almost went crazy. He burned the monsters on the island with the fire of hell. Not to mention, he also caught ghosts everywhere to soak Yao Ye’s body. In order to absorb it, he must Change clothes.

During the change of clothes, Yuanping, who had been immersed in regret and pain, did not control his hand strength, and his clothes were so broken.

Yao Ye raised his eyebrows, looking at the silent big man, he could see some uneasiness and guilty conscience from the cold contoured face.

“The clothes are gone?”

Yuanping nodded, staring at Yao Ye with scarlet eyes, afraid that he would be angry and regret the previous agreement.

Yao Ye couldn’t laugh or cry, and smoothly touched Yuanping’s black half-long hair that reached his neck, and said: “Okay, if you don’t have it, it’s gone, just find another one to wear, then look at me pitifully…”

As he said, Yao Ye kissed Yuanping’s eye again, smiling brightly.

“I will feel bad.”


Looking at Yao Ye’s beautiful smile, Yuanping blushed again.

The blood that was originally flowing slowly under the skin surged into a monstrous wave, making Yuanping uncontrollably cling to Yao Ye, unwilling to loosen the treasure that was finally lost and recovered.

“Uh… don’t… you don’t get too close to me… it’s hot…”

Yao Ye looked down and saw the forbidden things under his neck that shouldn’t be seen, and his face paled in fright.

It’s too close, it’s terrible.

It’s going to be…

“You… still find me a dress!”

Yao Ye felt that he couldn’t do it, he would really die.

Yuanping was pushed hard by Yao Ye. He didn’t dare to resist, for fear of accidentally hurting Yao Ye, so he could only silently retreat, looking at Yao Ye with an injured eye.

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