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After closing the door, Yao Ye looked at the time on the phone and found that it was still early, so he simply went back to the room and had a retreat. He woke up three times a day.

Yao Ye didn’t hear the news of Tu Laocai’s return. He expected that this guy was definitely busy with business and forgot to come back for dinner, so he didn’t take it seriously, stretched his waist, and was about to get up for lunch.

boom! boom!

At this time, there was a strange movement from upstairs.

Yao Ye heard the sound as soon as he walked out the door and looked up curiously, but found nothing wrong.

Anyway, idleness is also idleness, Yao Ye simply walked upstairs to see what happened upstairs, Mingyun’s room on the second floor was still closed, there was no movement, it shouldn’t be a matter on the second floor.

boom! boom!

It rang again.

Listening to the rhythmic percussion, Yao Ye felt as itchy as a cat scratching, and continued to walk upstairs.

There are a lot of rooms here, the stairs with golden and red carpets spiral up, and the corridors are long.

Several decorative oil paintings are hung on the dark wallpaper, and there is no window on the wall, which gives people a sense of depression.

Yao Ye looked around and walked to the turntable on the fourth floor of the top floor, and he heard a “bang” sound from a room not far away.

Yao Ye looked at the ordinary door suspiciously, thinking that this local wealth would not really be hidden in the golden house.

Thinking about this, Yao Ye picked up a bunch of keys in his hand again, picked the right key with interest, and wanted to open the door.

However, it is strange that no key can open this door.

Okay, this is the key to all rooms!

Yao Ye was really angry now.

This disgusting Mingan, dare to lie to him! X!

The rich really don’t have a good thing!
The words are nice, and all the disgusting things of the beloved baby are said, and the result is not a lie!

Yao Ye had a feeling of betrayal by a trusted person, which made him uncomfortable.
Boom! ! !

It seemed that someone was aware of someone outside the door, and the noise inside the door became louder.

Yao Ye put away the inexplicable sadness in his heart, driven by curiosity, put his ear on the door panel, and wanted to listen carefully to what happened inside the door.
“Hey! Is there anyone in there?”

boom! boom!

In the room, separated by a door,
A pale and bloodless arm was connected to a deformed flesh that was constantly beating like a heart, knocking on the door panel.

The door panel shook from the blow.
Yao Ye, who was lying on the door panel, was startled by the sudden shock, and his ears were numb.

“Well, it seems that there should be someone inside. Why don’t you speak, is it a dumb?”

Or is it a small animal or something?

Yao Ye became more curious. He pushed the door hard, and when he realized that he couldn’t open it, he stepped back and hit the door hard.


Yao Ye accidentally hit his head, his forehead was swollen, but the door did not open.

This time humiliating.

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