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Recently, the game forum of “Ghost Story” started to talk about the strategy related to advanced dungeons. One of the IDs named “Rape Seed is not a Chief” talked about his encounters that made many players confused in the game.

——[I TM want to complain to the game dog official! There is a BUG! Suddenly, my character committed suicide. It was really hanged. The one who died was called an ugly face, and his face became purple and red. I have never been so ugly in my life! ]

Rapeseed is not a word for blood and tears. Xianglin’s wife repeats her tragic situation, describing every detail very clearly, but the tone of the words is a bit overwhelming, and she seems to be mentally abnormal.

——[That BOSS is blank! It’s just a murderer! It must have controlled my suicide! definitely is! ]

Rapeseed is not unreasonable.

However, other players did not take it seriously. In this game, death is a common occurrence, and some weird methods of death are not worth discussing at all.

This post soon sank, and the players continued to discuss interesting things in their game, and no one cared about the blood and tears of a strange netizen.

At the same time, players are still refreshing in the advanced copy.

“Stable! It will definitely be cleared this time!”

Standing at the fixed and refreshing entry point of the game, the white-haired man in a combat uniform showed a confident look that was inevitable.

The refresh point is just right, and it should be blank shortly after death.

His body has not been found, and his family and lovers who lied to him have not died. It was when the resentment was deepest, he came just right!

Thinking about this, the white-haired man called up a map from the smart watch and walked along the location sign.

This advanced copy has actually been open for a while, but no one has cleared it.

Everyone is thinking of a way to complete the task. Most people want to eliminate the resentment in the heart of the blank by killing the netizen who deceived the blank. It seems that the thinking is clear and the task is very simple.

But it is a pity that ideals are beautiful and reality is cruel.

Due to the incomplete information of this netizen, the players have not found her real body, which directly caused the players to spend too much time searching for relevant information on the Internet, which alarmed the blank, was easily found by the blank, and died in a miserable state.

The white-haired man expressed disdain for the players who died because of this, thinking that if he came by himself, he would not be so stupid.

In order to complete the task, he tossed over the original strange talk many times, and compared the real strange talk information with the game in order to find out the approximate position of the netizen.

Now, the white-haired man is walking towards a plot point where netizens may appear.

However, his purpose is different from others. He is not here to kill the netizen, but wants the netizen to fall in love with Blank.

According to the information in the original plot, the netizen died in the end, but the blank resentment was not relieved. Instead, it intensified and became a big boss of urban strange talk level.

From this, it can be concluded that simply killing the culprit to eliminate resentment is very undesirable. The previous actions of many players are just superfluous and meaningless.

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