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Yao Ye endured his anxiety and pushed open the door.

Everything inside the door is calm, the closed curtains, the dim entrance and the living room.

Yao Ye took a deep breath and walked into the room, his face depressed.

Sure enough, it was a thief, but the little thief should have already left.

Yao Ye's fluke ideas didn't come to an end until he saw the warm food on the table.


Yao Ye looked at the creamy soup and pasta on the table in shock, and the steaming dishes indicated that the person who made this delicious table might have just left the room.

Ordinary thieves will not leave a table of food for the original owner, and can make these things in other people's homes, I am afraid that only abnormal can do it.

And the only pervert that appeared in his life recently was the guy who followed him in the middle of the night.


The key in Yao Ye's hand fell to the ground.

He looked around in horror, and felt that he had really had bad luck recently. He was still being followed at first. Should he touch his house now?

Yao Ye knows that some celebrities' illegitimate meals will spy on the celebrities' private lives due to their over-fascination with the celebrities, and even sneak into the celebrities' homes to do a lot of nasty things.

This kind of stalker behavior is heinous.

Yao Ye never thought that one day he would encounter such a dilemma.

He thought that the stalker would not be able to get in, but he had found a way to get in in just a day.

And obviously, that guy knows exactly which room he lives in. Apart from this table of food, God knows what the pervert did. Maybe he put a few voyeur cameras.


Yao Ye looked at the table of dishes and spit out an swear word after a moment of silence.

He was really fed up with his work. His hallucinations became more and more serious, and he was about to die suddenly. Now he is troubled by a stalker to such a degree.

Yao Ye was breathing trembling, and when he picked up the cup of cream soup, he was about to dump it into the trash can.

Only then did I go out to buy something, and the pervert actually cooked a table of dishes. One day that guy saw that he was not pleasing to his eyes, wouldn't he be able to stand in front of his bed with a knife in the middle of the night?

I shudder just thinking about it.

These meals were a provocation to him. Yao Ye seemed to be able to imagine the perverted mockery in the dark, mocking him for not being able to resist his invasion.

Therefore, it must not be eaten.

Yao Ye didn't have the heart to be so big, he poured out the creamy soup with a gloomy face, and then he was about to continue to pour out other meals.

Seeing the appearance of his lover throwing out all the dishes in such angrily, the ghost sitting at the table waiting for his lover to have a meal seemed a little at a loss. It glanced sadly at the food it had prepared, and a hint of apology appeared on its pale face. .

It got up, hugged Yao Ye, and his cold palm lightly stroked Yao Ye's cheek, and kissed his earlobe obsessively.

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