2.1 The Lover in the Attic

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My second story, the lover in the attic
Legend has it that in Lihe City, there was a couple who looked like but did not agree.

Because of their disharmony, the two divorced after a year of marriage. After the divorce, they relentlessly lived in the same villa due to the dispute over the division of the last villa property, and quarreled endlessly.

Later, the husband suffered a heart attack during another quarrel. The wife took the medicine bottle and wanted her husband to die, so that the house belonged to her.

But unexpectedly, before his death, the husband dragged his wife and fell to the second floor. The wife happened to hit a sharp point and both died.

It was not until two months later that their bodies were stinking and they were discovered by the property that came to the home for inspection, which uncovered a shocking incident.

It turned out that the police found not only the bodies of the husband and wife in the villa, but also a body hidden in the attic on the third floor.

This corpse hidden in the attic is the lover that the wife hid. He was once a plumber in the property. For some reason, he hooked up with the mistress of the villa and was kept in the attic of the villa.

The police discovered that the young lover was starved to death in the attic. He seemed to have experienced painful struggles before his death, and his nails were all sawdust from the door.

But what is puzzling is that the door of the attic is not locked, and people cannot know why this secret lover could not go out to find food, but let himself starve to death.

Moreover, according to nearby neighbors, they have heard the quarrel between husband and wife in the past two months, so they have never suspected that the two are dead, and some people even unintentionally recorded those quarrels, making the testimony more convincing. Reliability.

In addition, the police also found cursed props such as Witch Gu dolls in the house, which made the cause of the death of the two deceased even more confusing and triggered a heated discussion in Lihe City.

Someone who was in trouble bought the house that was auctioned off by the court and moved in. A week later, he was found dead at home in a miserable state.

The incident immediately caused an uproar, but the police were unable to investigate the cause of the death of the homeowner and could only be sentenced to suicide.

So far, this house has become a famous haunted house in Lihe City, and no one dares to approach it easily.

This weird urban strange story has also become a bedtime story for Lihe city people to scare children.

People always say that if it is late at night, if the unbehaved children are not asleep, they will be taken away by the ghost couple and become their children, trapped in that haunted house and will never be able to escape…

Got it, know it-

Zhili on the tree is calling tirelessly.
In the midsummer season, the air on the road was distorted by the steam.
Yao Ye was walking on the road, his exposed arms flushed with heat.

“Huh! It’s still so far.”

Yao Ye carried the toolbox and looked at the villas on the mountainside ahead.

He is a plumber who has just joined the job recently. He had to rush to the villa to fix the plumbing pipe at noon for a poor salary.

Yao Ye wiped the sweat from his head, Jun Lang’s face was full of helplessness.

He shouldn’t have done this kind of work, but who knows, the other masters in the property are not willing to come to this house for repairs, so he can only send him a rookie to make up the count.

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