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The class bell rang, and the thoughtful students returned to their seats.

Yuanping is still missing, and he doesn’t seem to plan to come back to class.

Yao Ye wrinkled his nose and really didn’t want to bother about the unclear gangsters in this group, just find a little brother, whoever can change.

Because of being so angry, Yao Ye didn’t listen to the remaining two classes and was absent-minded.

During the period, the head teacher also came and asked angrily about Yuanping’s whereabouts, and left more angrily after inquiring to no avail.

Yao Ye held his cheeks and watched the farce boredly, thinking that Yuanping was powerful enough, just looking at it this morning, it seemed that the whole school didn’t like him very much.

Taking advantage of the inter-class time, Yao Ye curiously inquired about some news about Yuanping, and only then clarified the reason why Yuanping was isolated and rejected.

Yuanping is the son of a butcher. Their family opened a slaughterhouse in the town. They sold nothing, and they always sold stale meat. At first, the people in the town were dragged for a long time. His belly was rejected by this town.

According to the students in the class, the Yuanping family is so gloomy that they are all carved out of a mold, and they behave wickedly. They will always watch you in the dark, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Therefore, no one likes this family.
But now things are getting better. In the past few weeks, Yuanping’s father butcher has become better, the meat he sells has become better, his personality has become more cheerful, and he is less annoying.

It is his wife and son Yuanping who still look like ghosts. heard that their mother and son have a mean character, and privately disrespect the butcher who is responsible for supporting the family, especially the wife, who also has domestic violence and often hurt Yuanping.

When Yao Ye heard this, he thought of the bandage on Yuanping’s neck and the blood scabs on his hands.

Was he beaten by his mother?

Yao Ye had never seen such a pitiful person, and felt a little pity for a while, but when he thought of Yuanping’s coldness and avoiding him, that pity disappeared again.
There is a saying that the poor man must be hateful, and the character of that guy is really unpleasant.

Forget it, it’s a big deal that he won’t care about this person offending him in the future, after all, it is already so pitiful.

Yao Ye thought so, took out the bloody square from the pocket of the table, his eyes disgusted.

This was used for wiping Yuanping’s face just now, and it was already dirty.

Yao Ye threw the scarf into the trash can.
Really, it caused the smell of blood on his hands, so he should use some hand sanitizer to clean it up later.

Soon, the school was over, and Yao Ye walked out of the classroom surrounded by his classmates.

He talked and laughed with the students around him all the way, got into the limousine parked in front of the school, and walked away under the envy of everyone.

As soon as the car stopped, Yao Ye couldn’t wait to jump out of the car, rushed into his own small garden, ran to the lobby, and drank a can of soda.

“Xiao Ye! Drink soda again! Really! The president is not high!”

The gentle long-haired woman shook her head helplessly.

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