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Everyone who survived in N City has heard of a scary legend called "Ellen".

It was a ghost king derived from a strange story, a ghost wandering between the floors, hunting humans everywhere because of boredom.

That was also the beginning of everything. After the strange talk of that "strange neighbor" became popular, a nightmare fell.

In the beginning, it was just news of death in an apartment, and then slowly spread. Many people went crazy somehow. When they were found out, they seemed mad, and if they couldn't take care of them, they would commit suicide.

When nothing broke out, many people died, but compared to a country, it was not too many, so no one cared.

It was not until the day of the outbreak that countless grotesques crawled out of the ground, and people finally realized that the crisis was coming. Those who died were just the beginning of an unprecedented disaster.

Tom still remembers the scene of the outbreak.

A red moon reflected the entire city into a blood red, hideous ghosts raged on the streets, they greedily devoured human flesh and blood, internal organs and limbs scattered on the road, the disgusting smell of blood permeated the air.

After the ghosts, the black vortex swallowed most of the city, and the ghost domain was constantly devouring everything around it.

The involved humans screamed and disappeared in the center of the whirlpool. Tom was lucky to be in the other half of the city and escaped, but he was still scared to death.

It is an eternal nightmare for many survivors in city n to see countless of their kind being swallowed by their side.

At that time, Tom collapsed on the ground after escaping from the coverage of the ghost realm, and saw the horror in the depths of the whirlpool with countless companions around him.

A pale ghost in a wheelchair was watching everything on the other end of the whirlpool gloomily, and the handsome boy was full of excited smiles.

Countless survivors screamed in fear. They were afraid of the face of a ghost, as if facing the death god, it was a kind of tremor and anxiety from the depths of the soul.

Tom will never forget that face.

And now, the owner of that face was following them, with a notice of death.


The only three remaining survivors were running desperately. They dared not stop for a while and escaped in the spiraling staircase.

The heavy footsteps and fearful gasps are their accompaniment.

"Go to hell~ hurry up~... Tsk, why are you running away?"

The tall young man covered in bloodstains swinging his stiff limbs, walking up the stairs, the joints of the joints creaked, like a rusty machine, with a sense of disobedience that people can't ignore. Normal humans.

The sound of twisting joints is particularly frightening.

It tilted its head, looked at the group of guys who wanted to destroy their happiness, and writhed its bright red lips.

"You... so annoying..."

Hearing the words of the ghost king behind them, the three of them sweated profusely, and did not dare to turn their heads back. They fought and dared not stay.

No one wants to die, especially dying in the hands of the ghost king, that must be the most miserable thing in the world.

"Run! Run! Never stop!"

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now