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Yao Ye, who was full at night, slept soundly.

It wasn’t until the sky was bright that he suddenly woke up and found that he hadn’t woke up at the time he had expected last night.


After seeing the light outside the door, Yao Ye’s complexion changed, and he quickly got up from the floor and carefully pushed the door open. He saw the calm outside the corridor, without the gloomy horror of yesterday.

The so-called terrible judge who would cruise during the day also did not appear.

Yao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, put on the shoes that he put aside last night, and briefly combed his messy hair, then opened the door and walked out.

He couldn’t stay here forever, he had to go out to explore the situation on the island and find a way to escape home.

Well, besides, he needs to find some food by himself.

I can’t rely on bandage weirdos forever, if someone is just kind of for a while and won’t give it again, wouldn’t he starve to death?

Even though he thought so, Yao Ye couldn’t help but reminisce when he thought of the delicious meal last night.

It’s delicious…I don’t know how the big guy made it. Looking at the warmth, it feels like it’s just out of the pot.

Yao Ye didn’t dare to think about the appearance of the bandage weirdo cooking by himself. He always felt that the picture was so beautiful that he dared not watch it.

Walking out of this plant, Yao Ye unexpectedly saw a group of sleepy-eyed survivors outside the slaughterhouse. They seemed to be afraid of encountering danger during the day and did not dare to continue hiding in the plant. They all ran to the open space outside. doze off.

Yao Ye hid in the corner and watched silently, afraid that they would find himself.

He carefully observed the crowd in the clearing, and he saw that there were a few people in the group who had tied him to the tree yesterday, and couldn’t help gritted his teeth in hatred.

hateful! Why is he so embarrassed yesterday and almost died, these people can stay here so comfortably!

Yao Ye’s original clear eyes were stained with hatred and resentment. Like a mouse hiding in the gutter, he cursed those wolf-hearted and indifferent and ruthless guys. I really want these people to die immediately!

“Brother Li, are you going to start?”

Standing in a hidden place around the open space, the pink hair girl looked expectant.

Brother Li pretended to smile deeply, and said: “Hmm, wait a minute, it will start soon, these baits will bring us prey!”

Looking at the native NPCs who died and didn’t know it, Stone and Money also laughed.

These idiots completely believed what they were saying after the night when the demons were dancing in the wild, and they were more obedient than a dog.

Now, they deliberately ordered this group of people to stay in an obvious wide area to provoke blame, and these people had no doubts, and the expressions of gratitude and tears looked really ridiculous.

In the eyes of Brother Li and others, these NPCs are not real beings. If they die for their mission, they can be regarded as dead, and they will not feel guilty at all.

“How long do we need to stay? A little hungry…”

Thirty minutes passed quickly, Yao Ye’s legs squatting in the dark were almost numb, and he didn’t figure out what these people were doing in the open space, and the crowd gradually remembered the sound of small discussions.

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