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Yao Ye looked at the message on the phone and licked the corner of his mouth nervously, a little panicked.

Go back to the haunted house… or stay outside?

Yao Ye looked back at the Internet cafe behind him, and decided to go home.

Judging from the current situation, it is not safe to be outside, and looking at the current attitude of the blank, it should not kill him… right.

Yao Ye stood up and walked to the direction of the Rose Apartment dejectedly.

Today’s series of encounters really made Yao Ye, a once steadfast materialist, a bit of a breakdown. He really didn’t understand why so many weird incidents suddenly appeared in the peaceful world of the past. There were so many ghosts everywhere, it was simply unscientific.

Soon, Yao Ye returned to Rose Apartment.

It’s already midnight

He walked to the elevator with his head down, pressed the button on the fourth floor, and waited for the elevator to come down. There was a middle-aged man with a beer belly beside him, who was also waiting for the elevator.

The hall of the apartment was so quiet that it was somewhat paradoxical, empty, only the middle-aged man and Yao Ye were waiting for the elevator.

The middle-aged person noticed that someone was behind him, and glanced at Yao Ye subconsciously. After all, it was already so late, and it was quite rare to be able to wait for the elevator at the same time.

In the dim light of the apartment lobby, the middle-aged man only saw the dark-haired youth’s unusually pale complexion and the shadows on his face hidden by hair.

It looks very strange.

There is an indescribable sense of violation.

Thinking that it was exactly twelve o’clock, when the yin energy of the day was at its peak, the middle-aged man couldn’t help stiffening, his palms were slightly sweaty, and his heart was inexplicably uneasy.


The elevator doors opened.

The middle-aged man quickly walked into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the sixth floor.

Yao Ye also entered the elevator in a daze, but forgot to press the button.


The middle-aged man cleared his throat in order to relieve the inexplicable tension in his mind. Then, he looked at the elevator door and ignored the black-haired youth behind him.

He should think too much, the middle-aged man comforted himself in his heart.


After a while, when the elevator was approaching the second floor, the button on the fourth floor lighted up at the button next to the elevator door.

The middle-aged man glanced inadvertently, thinking that someone on the fourth floor was waiting for the elevator, so he pressed the button.


The elevator became quiet.

Yao Ye drooped his head in a daze, wondering how he would end his life in the end.

The middle-aged man was different, he seemed to have thought of something suddenly, his expression gradually frightened.

He hastily turned his head to look at Yao Ye, the black-haired young man who has not moved behind him, and then at the elevator panel in front of him.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now