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The pale and terrifying Li ghost heard his lover’s voice.

Xiao Ye…

His Little Ye is afraid of…

“It’s coming back-it’s coming back!!!”

Li Gui’s blood-red eyes were full of tyranny and cruelty. The black mist around his body exploded in an instant, spreading at an incredible speed, and countless space fragments disappeared in front of this violent force.

His handsome face was full of madness and bloodthirsty, and his emotions became more and more madly looking for the trace of his lover.

However, it could not be found, only the space around the villa was shaking like ripples due to the explosion of internal power.

At the same time, the interior of a villa full of stains and cracks.

There are blood stains on the walls of the kitchen, and dark, unknown liquids are spilled everywhere, except that the decoration is the same as the interior of the previous villa, but it is completely different.

“Honey~ Do you want to eat?”

A woman ghost with messy hair smiled against a torn face, and the blood-red gums and sharp teeth on the mouth of the blood basin were clearly visible.

! ! !

Yao Ye fought a cold war with a pale face, and his whole body was clamoring to escape, but there was nowhere to escape.

He had a dog-leash-like chain tied around his neck, and the other end of the chain was tied to the leg of the wooden dining table next to it. The length was so short that he would feel panicked even sitting at the dining table stretched out.

Therefore, he can only honestly be trapped in the restaurant now, unable to climb out, even a dog.

“Hurry up and eat, dear~”


A dish of stained meat was placed in front of Yao Ye, and the female ghost sitting opposite held her cheeks in her hands, revealing a girlish shyness.

If such a shy behavior happened to a real girl, it would definitely look very moving, but with the female ghost’s bloodless limbs and hideous face set off, it can only make Yao Ye more fearful.


Yao Ye was trembling, only by biting his lip to prevent him from crying in embarrassment.

Let’s not talk about the dirty appearance of this plate, just talk about this plate of meat, why is there something like a human finger! ! !

What kind of meat is this!

The female ghost stretched her arms obsessively, stroked her lover’s trembling and cool skin, and asked lovingly: “What’s the matter? Honey, why don’t you eat it?”
“–Yes, do you think what I made is ugly? Does that old man make something that pleases you…”

The female ghost’s eyes gradually became very cold, and the temperature in the restaurant dropped.

Upon seeing this, Yao Ye shrank in fright, and the bloodstain on his arm was still aching from the female ghost. Of course, he did not dare to make him unhappy, and immediately squeezed out a smiling face.
“No, nothing, it’s delicious, but I’m not hungry now haha…ha.”

Yao Ye accidentally pulled the corner of his bruised mouth, and immediately gasped with pain..

have to say that the strength of the female ghost is really great.

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now