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Yao Ye doubted his life for a while, returned to the room just now, looked at the scratch on the paper door, and fell silent.

There are two possibilities, one is that there is a real ghost, the other is that he is crazy.

Yao Ye really didn’t know which of these two options was better.

Yao Ye, who had thought about it for a long time and still hadn’t figured it out, finally fell overwhelmed on the bedding, his face full of powerlessness.

He knew that his mental state was not good after Rena died, but that should be a stress symptom after being tortured by Rena, how could it lead to such severe hallucinations?

Could it be that Shinto Rena died and hit him so hard that he imagined a ghost?

Yao Ye did not want to admit this conclusion.

He wouldn’t love that cheating scumbag, because if he did, wouldn’t he look very sad.

In love with a guy who cheated on himself to death.

Rustling rustling——

Yao Ye took off his upper body clothes and stood in front of the mirror to observe.

In the mirror, the black-haired young man took off his white shirt, revealing his thin upper body, a thin layer of muscle covering the slender skeleton, and the beautiful texture lines on the waist and abdomen were very attractive.

There are dotted marks on the fair chest, some resembling bite marks, and some are hickeys. Because of Yao Ye’s scar physique, it is bluish and purple, and it looks a little scary.

Yao Ye frowned as he looked at the trace in the mirror.

No, if it is really an illusion, how did the hickey behind him come from? It’s impossible to kiss him.

Yao Ye was almost turned around by the monk’s lame head.

He turned his back and looked at the back in the mirror.

In the past few days of preparing for the funeral, Yao Ye had not eaten and rested properly, so he lost a lot of weight in just a few days, and his originally round shoulders became angular.

The wing-like butterfly bones are raised, almost every joint on the thin spine has the trace of being kissed, and the blue blood vessels under the pale skin are faintly visible, with a crystal-like fragility.

“…” Fuck, abnormal.

Yao Ye touched the bones on his back, and he really found the bite marks.

It wasn’t painful when bite at the time, but it hurt a bit when touched it now.

Yao Ye really convinced this guy.

I don’t know who taught him it. He is obviously a tiger, but he likes to bite like a dog. Every time he likes to bite.

The heir of this big family, the proud son of heaven, seemed to be born with a sense of insecurity, wishing to hide his belongings in his body to feel at ease. Sometimes, Yao Ye really felt that he would be swallowed by him.

If it weren’t for Rena’s effort, he would have wanted to call the police.

Obviously, he has done it many times, but each time, Rena will still caress every inch of his skin as eagerly as the first time. Such pious and hot eyes often make Yao Ye feel that he is being loved. .

However, the impossible is an illusion.

Yao Ye curled his lips mockingly and cast aside his thoughts.

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