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In the master bedroom, the lights are dim.

Yao Ye’s mood was not stable, so he was held in his arms by “Shi Li”, which provided some comfort.

“Okay… it’s okay…”

The pale-skinned man sat on the edge of the bed, his wife in his arms, his tone soft.

“Shili, do you remember the ghost baby from before…”

Yao Ye looked up anxiously, and after hesitating for a while, he told her husband everything before, including that strange space, and two different rituals.

And, their relationship.

“Those are you…really! I can feel it!

Moreover, I also learned about your twin brother from inside… You are all one soul! "

Yao Ye looked at her husband, with red eyes, white cheeks and bright red lips, like a fragile glass bottle, fragile and moving.

“You will believe me, right?”

Yao Ye is looking forward to her husband’s response, so that his entangled and wandering heart can be a little more stable. He is really uncomfortable now. If he keeps all this in his heart, he is really afraid that he is really crazy.

Shili, you will believe him.

He didn’t cheat, everything just now was just right.

Yao Ye’s beautiful eyes opened slightly, his eyes gleaming.

However, the husband did not show the trust in himself as Yao Ye imagined, but showed a confused expression, and his handsome face was full of worry.

“Yao Yao… But, I don’t have any brothers. My mother only gave birth to me. Have you had a nightmare? Don’t be afraid, dreams are the opposite…”

When Yao Ye heard the words, his face turned pale with anger, he knew that this dog didn’t turn his head, and even his words were treated as a joke, and he said to himself that he was asleep.

What dream! It’s all true!

“Shi Li” clasped his agitated wife tightly, stroked his wife’s hair lightly, her eyelids were half drooping, and the curvature of her mouth was still gentle.

“Don’t be afraid… just a dream… it doesn’t matter.”

That’s right, everything in the past was just a dream, and it disappeared as soon as the wind blows. Only his and his wife’s future will be real, so he doesn’t care.

Yao Yao never needs to be afraid.

But… the guy who touched Yao Yao…

“Shi Li” kissed his wife’s cheek lightly, her eyes deep.

He will kill him over and over again, until in the end he will never be able to resurrect.

“Don’t think too much about Yao Yao, go to sleep, it will be better when you wake up.”

The “husband” looked down at his wife’s slender and beautiful back curve, and the deep love in his eyes was almost pathological.

Yao Ye didn’t notice the look in his husband’s eyes, he leaned in the arms of “Shi Li” and endured and endured, but still couldn’t hold back.

He took a deep breath, pushed his ‘husband’ away with his hand, frowned and said, “But, look, there are still these marks on my neck, how could it be a dream!”

[BL] Falling in Love Inside an Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now