Chapter 12-21

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After thinking about it, Ye Feng has made up his mind. If he has the opportunity, he will go to the Louvre Hall to inquire about the situation, and then consider it.

You must not act rashly if you are in a shocking case.

Turning his attention back to the interrogation, Ye Feng found out that the thief who was handcuffed in the interrogation chair looked like a foolish man. Facing Li Bin’s interrogation, he did not open his mouth and did not cooperate at all.

“Anyway, I have nothing to say. I just picked up a cell phone and it’s not worth money. I went out after a few days of detention. Why bother with you!”

The thief who is a bit dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, he has no fear, but the director Li Bin has no way to do anything to him.

“What is picking up?” Ye Feng frowned and couldn’t help but shout to the thief: “Stealing is stealing, and it’s so high-sounding, just wait for this squat!”

“Who are you scaring?” The thief squinted at Ye Feng and said disdainfully: “It’s not the first time I was arrested. Now that the standards for the offense of theft have been raised, a broken mobile phone is simply not enough for a sentence, at most Detained for a few days, I know better than you guys!”

Li Bin looked at Ye Feng helplessly and nodded.

Indeed, if the amount of theft is low and not enough for a fixed-term imprisonment, then he can really only be detained for a few days before being released.

Presumably this is why this guy is so confident.

But at this moment Ye Feng couldn’t help but sneered and looked at the thief with a sympathetic look.

“Not enough for sentencing?”

“It seems that you didn’t even notice what phone you stole!”

With that said, Ye Feng took out the cell phone that had just been confiscated from the thief, and there were still two.

One of them was just stolen from a bus station by a thief. It is the latest fruit phone. It may not have been used for a few days. It is extremely new and its actual value is definitely not a small amount.

The thief looked intently, his face was ashes ashes, he didn’t notice when he was stealing, and now he realized that this time he was going to be in trouble.

“The current standard for the crime of theft is like this. Those who are less than 2500 yuan are not sentenced to control and criminal detention; those who exceed 2500 yuan and less than 4,000 yuan are sentenced to six months to one year in prison; and those who exceed 4,000 yuan and less than 7,000 yuan are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment. Imprisonment for one to two years.”

“The latest fruit phone is worth more than 4,000 yuan. Unfortunately, I can tell you that in the next one to two years, you need to spend it in prison!”

“As for whether it is one year or two years, it will only depend on whether the judge sympathizes with you.”

This time the thief never saw the dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

Li Bin laughed happily and said: “Haha, you are still arrogant. I will apply for a search warrant later to see if there is any other stolen goods in your house. If there are any other stolen goods, congratulations. You have to reform in prison. how many years.”

Seeing that there is no denying, the thief can only confess the bad things he has done like a bamboo tube and pour beans. After all, this can be regarded as a confession and lenient. It is better than the stolen goods hidden in the family are found and the conviction is stronger.

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