Chapter 216

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Zhao He gave Zhou Mingui and Ma Xuan a look of "you still don't believe me?", their expressions are full of playfulness.

Zhou Min is served!

Ma Xuan is also served!

They finally knew why Zhao He was willing to let Ye Feng out!

Before the concert started, a scalper gang had already been arrested!

Is this due to ability or luck?

No wonder it is said that Ye Feng will pick up the suspect when he goes out. Feelings are like this...

Can't help but give Zhao He a thumbs up. Zhou Mingui has realized that Zhao He's use of Ye Feng is the most correct.

Just let him out!

But Ma Xuan rolled his eyes, wondering what ideas were in his head.

After a while, when the work was over, Zhao He left Zhou Mingui's office immediately, while Ma Xuan stayed quietly.

Zhou Mingui looked down at the file for a while, and was startled when he only noticed that Ma Xuan had not left when he raised his head occasionally.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Mingui couldn't help but glared at Ma Xuan.

The abilities of these arrogant soldiers and heroes under him have nothing to say. Pulling out alone is a good hand, but it is a bit difficult to surrender them!

Ma Xuan was uncharacteristically, looking at Zhou Mingui with a hey smile, the smile made Zhou Mingui feel a little hairy in his heart.

At this time, Ma Xuan finally spoke.

"Director, my special police brigade is a bit short of talent recently, can you transfer someone to me!"

Zhou Mingui felt a little surprised when he heard this.

Ma Xuan's special police brigade can also be regarded as a large number of talents, and its combat effectiveness is smashing. Zhou Mingui knew this.

Who are you looking for again?

And it is very important that the special police brigade is different from other brigade in that the training is more focused on militarization, and the people in other departments are not on the right path.

"What's your idea?" Zhou Mingui frowned and asked.

"Ye Feng!" Ma Xuan immediately replied: "That's Ye Feng! You can transfer him to me!"

Zhou Mingui was drinking tea, and he almost choked himself there without a sip of the tea. After a long cough, he was relieved.

"What did you say?" Zhou Mingui said in disbelief.

Ma Xuan still smiled happily, "Director, you may not know that in the martial arts training that just ended, Ye Feng is the first in fighting and shooting. It is a good seed for the SWAT team. Such a talent, let him go. Isn’t it a waste in the Criminal Investigation Brigade?"

Zhou Mingui rolled his eyes madly and pointed at Ma Xuan, not knowing what to say.

He certainly knows that Ye Feng has won two consecutive firsts in the training of the Wushu University, and they have won the championship with a huge advantage, winning by the crushing class.

In particular, the opponents he defeated were all top soldiers of the special police brigade, which proved Ye Feng's super ability.

But shooting and fighting are only one aspect. Ye Feng is really good at criminal investigation, which is also a full range of comprehensive capabilities.

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