Chapter 139

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The interrogation process is actually not that complicated.

After all, robbing in such a densely crowded business district, almost the whole world saw it.

Even if the robber wants to deny it, he can’t deny it!

It’s just that everyone is very curious about what he thinks!

I have watched a lot of Hong Kong movies. The professional robbers go from armed to full body, from getting off the car to cause explosions and panic, to entering the gold shop to quickly load and pick up gold, and then to getting on the car and leaving. It may take only a few minutes to wait for the police to pick you up. When the police rushed to the scene, the robbers had already drove away.

As for how the police tracked down later, it is another story.

But this kidnapper really made everyone want to laugh.

He probably didn’t make a plan, right?

Although I picked it all night, there are still so many people in the commercial street. You dare to grab gold with a dagger…

Don’t say it if you are bold, but the whole process seems to be to delay yourself waiting for the police to arrest you.

It is estimated that he himself is dumbfounded!

After a while, the results of the interrogation came out.

It did not surprise everyone.

The robbery was on a whim. He had this idea in the afternoon, bought a hat and a mask, and then held it back at night and acted!

As for the plan?

What’s that thing?

Why did he rob?

It turned out that he was introduced by a friend and became obsessed with Dubo. He lost and lost at the beginning, and later lost all of his wealth.

He had already lost the red eye and even borrowed a lot of foreign debts, and in the end he simply couldn’t afford it!

So he started the idea of ​​robbery.

Then just what happened.

Ye Feng, who has long been familiar with the law, knew that the robber would have to be reformed in prison for at least three years!

Robbery is not a crime of amount, but a crime of circumstance.

The amount involved in the conviction will only be used as a reference, and the harm is the basis for sentencing.

Although he robbed with a knife, but did not cause casualties, and did not commit robbery many times, then the sentence was three years to five years in prison.

This case is temporarily over!

The suspect has been arrested and brought to justice. The evidence is solid and the follow-up process is easy.

However, this robbery involved another problem.

There is actually a blockade gang that opened a blockade!

Judging from the situation of the robbers, the amount involved in this underground block is definitely not low.

It’s definitely a big case of blocking Bo!

“This big case is not something our police station can take over. I will report it to the sub-bureau and let the top decide!” Li Bin thought for a while.

Indeed, the staff at the police station are already stretched out, and it is a pipe dream to complete a large case alone.

They didn’t have enough police force just for a deployment control.

If the detection is carried out by force, it will only be regarded as overweight.

Ye Feng nodded, even if he was still at the Wanshuihe Police Station, he would advise Li Bin not to act rashly.

Blocking a big case not only requires patient investigation, the most important thing is to have sufficient police force, otherwise you will not be able to do anything.

“A Feng, I’m relying on you again tonight!” Li Bin smiled and patted Ye Feng on the shoulder, “If it weren’t for you to throw out the car keys, I’m afraid we really have no way to take the robbers.”

The situation at the time was indeed tense.

In the absence of support from the special police detachment, they were concerned about the safety of the hostages. They could not restrict the actions of the robbers. I am afraid they could only watch him leave.

But Ye Feng flew over with a key and knocked down the robber, just like a flying fairy from the sky.

“Don’t worry, when you return to submit the report, we will definitely put your role and credit first!”

Li Bin’s tone was quite emotional. Ye Feng had already made countless contributions when he was at the Wanshuihe Police Station. Now that he has left the Wanshuihe Police Station, he can actually help the Wanshuihe Police Station catch the bad guys.

Suddenly, Li Bin came up with a very meaningful idea.

Is it possible to develop a liaison mechanism?

Establish a liaison mechanism between Wanshuihe Police Station and Criminal Investigation Team!

If all the difficult cases sent by Wanshuihe could not be solved, and let Ye Feng go out, wouldn’t it be solved in minutes?

Moreover, this mechanism sets a precedent, a bold attempt, and even more an innovation.

Leaders will definitely see the feasibility and even the advantages of this mechanism, and the possibility of agreeing to pilot or directly implement it is extremely high.

In that case, Ye Feng, as the liaison between the Criminal Investigation Brigade and the Wanshuihe Police Station, can play a role in the daily work of the Wanshuihe Police Station.

Even if Ye Feng is already a police officer of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, he can help Wanshuihe Police Station solve practical difficulties. It is definitely a win-win situation.

Thinking of this, Li Bin’s heart was eager!


Don’t sleep anymore!

Write a report overnight!

Ye Feng didn’t know what Li Bin’s idea was. After bidding farewell to his colleagues, Ye Feng was going to send Li Yanfei home.

But it’s strange to say that with so many follow-up work after the robbers were caught, it was already so late, but the old man didn’t come to pick up Li Yanfei?

This is unreasonable!

“Benefactor, why didn’t the old man come to pick you up?” Ye Feng asked a little puzzled, and then his tone became bad again, “have you already recognized me and are not opposed to me being with you?”

Li Yanfei gave Ye Feng a white look, but then she looked worried.

“It seems that there is something wrong with the company. I don’t know the specific reason. He has been very busy lately anyway, and he doesn’t have time to care about me.”

Is there something wrong with the old man’s company?

Although Ye Feng doesn’t know what Li Yanfei’s family is actually doing, according to his speculation, I am afraid that Lao Zhangren’s company is very big.

At least it is a company of hundreds of millions, maybe even more.

A company of this size does not seem to have any problems except for its operations.

Ye Feng doesn’t know how to operate. He is best at reasoning and solving crimes, so he can’t come up with ideas on this issue.

But it doesn’t matter, doesn’t he still have a system!

The system rewards so many assets, although he can’t manage it personally, and he doesn’t want to manage it personally, but the ownership is all his.

If Lao Zhangren’s company is in trouble because of financial problems, then he can help him and help him through the difficulties. In that case, Lao Zhangren’s company can’t always break his legs. ?

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