Chapter 174

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After visiting with Li Yanfei, in fact, he didn’t know much about his new house. It was only after Li Yanfei’s explanation that he knew what some things were for.

“If you don’t want to go home at night, you can stay and you can choose the room!” Ye Feng said with a smile.

Li Yanfei couldn’t help but give Ye Feng a white look, “Believe it or not, my boss killed him directly from the house and fight to the death.”

Ye Feng nodded hurriedly, “I believe it!”

“There will be a party next week. It’s a birthday party for my good friend. Come and join me!” At this time, Li Yanfei seemed to suddenly remember something and turned to Ye Feng.

This kind of thing, Ye Feng has no shirk.

You know, there are a lot of flies at this kind of party, he doesn’t need to do anything else, he just needs to hold a fly swatter, and just slap one at a time.

Seeing that the time was still early, they watched a movie in the theater, and then Ye Feng sent Li Yanfei home.

Now that I live closer, I can spend more time together every day, Ye Feng finally feels a little in love.

Of course, it would be nice if there were no strange creatures like Lao Zhangren in the world.


The next day was another busy day.

The task accepted by the Ye Feng Special Operations Team was particularly tricky.

Because Luo Yang came early, when Zhao He explained the task, he directly gave it to Luo Yang.

“You mean, the autopsy has confirmed the death of carbon monoxide poisoning?” When Luo Yang explained the case to Ye Feng, Ye Feng asked subconsciously.

Luo Yang nodded, “Yes, after our forensic examination, the deceased died of carbon monoxide poisoning.”

Ye Feng thought in his mind, if it was just a simple carbon monoxide poisoning, it would be an accidental death. There is no need for the criminal investigation team to intervene?

However, after Luo Yang explained the whole case clearly, Ye Feng really fell into contemplation.

“It’s like this.”

“A couple was traveling by car and stopped in the Erliting service area. The deceased’s wife Zhang Yingqi got off the car to go to the service area to eat, while the deceased Liu Renqiang stayed in the car to sleep because of sleepiness.”

“Because the weather was cold that night, Liu Renqiang turned on the air conditioning in the car and did not open the windows.”

“Zhang Yingqi complained that she was eating in the service area and was delayed for some time on the phone with her girlfriend. About two hours later, she returned to the car and found that her husband Liu Renqiang was dead.”

“Zhang Yingqi began to think that someone else killed her husband, so she immediately called the police.”

“However, after the police arrived, it was judged that the deceased died of carbon monoxide poisoning, because the car was idling for a long time and the gasoline was not burned sufficiently, which would produce high concentrations of carbon monoxide, which entered the car and caused passenger poisoning.”

“However, after Zhang Yingqi notified the parents of the deceased, the parents of the deceased did not believe that their son died in an accident, so they strongly urge the police to investigate the truth.”

“So this task came to us. The captain hoped that we could confirm the cause of death and give the family an official reply.”

After listening to Luo Yang’s introduction, Ye Feng looked at the report of the police and the police for the first time. It seemed that the cause of death of the deceased was very clear. It was just an accident, not a deliberate murder.

“The parents of the deceased suspect Zhang Yingqi?” Ye Feng only thought of such a possibility.

Luo Yang nodded, “According to the description of the deceased’s parents, their husband and wife have not yet had any children. The relationship between the couple is not particularly good, and there are frequent quarrels, so they suspect that their daughter-in-law killed their son.”

“Well, now that we understand, let’s go!”

Ye Feng believes in forensic examinations, there is no trauma, no organ failure, and the cause of death is only carbon monoxide poisoning. With the professionalism of forensic doctors of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, there should be no wrong judgment.

As for the fingerprints of Zhang Yingqi on the deceased, there is nothing surprising.

People are a couple who live together, how can they not even touch each other?

At least from the current investigation of the case, even if Zhang Yingqi had the motive of committing the crime because of the emotional discord between her husband and wife, she did not commit the crime.

Could it be possible that Zhang Yingqi first stunned the deceased, then closed the car windows and turned on the air conditioner, presumably using carbon monoxide gas to detoxify and kill the person?

If that were the case, no matter what method Zhang Yingqi used to stun the deceased, the forensic doctor would be able to check it out.

So this possibility is directly ruled out!

And indeed, the weather was a bit cold that night, it is not outrageous to say that the deceased turned on the air conditioner.

At least so far, Ye Feng doesn’t think this is murder.

The vehicles involved have been entrusted to the inspection agency, and they need to wait for the inspection report.

So all they can do now is to ask Zhang Yingqi.

Because they were not listed as suspects of committing the crime, naturally there was no reason to detain Zhang Yingqi in the brigade, so they were Zhang Yingqi who questioned at the hotel.

Seeing Zhang Yingqi, Ye Feng was the first to observe her whole person’s state. This was due to the professional habit of a criminal investigator.

Zhang Yingqi is about 30 years old, perhaps because of such a big event suddenly, even if there is a little makeup on her face, there is still no way to conceal her haggardness.

“Ms. Zhang, we still need to ask you some questions in order to determine as soon as possible whether your husband died in an accident or homicide.”

After receiving Ye Feng’s signal, Luo Yang spoke to Zhang Yingqi.

Zhang Yingqi nodded sadly, apparently suffering a big blow.

“Your mother-in-law emphasized several times that the relationship between you and your husband is not in harmony. Is it true?”

“We did quarrel, but which couple can still stumble?” Zhang Yingqi shook her head, her expression a little helpless.

“Then why does your mother-in-law keep emphasizing this matter?”

“My mother-in-law has never liked me very much. He always thinks that his son should be able to find a better condition.”

When Luo Yang asked questions, Ye Feng kept observing Zhang Yingqi’s expression and found that she did not seem to be fake.

It seems that the relationship between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is really not very good.

“So, did you notice anything unusual when your husband was sleeping in the car alone and you were eating in the service area?”

Zhang Yingqi shook her head, “I didn’t notice anything unusual, but after all, there was a vehicle entering the service area, so I couldn’t notice everything.”

However, after saying this, Zhang Yingqi frowned slightly and suddenly said another sentence.

“I suspect that my husband killed himself!”

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