Chapter 154

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Soon, the traffic police who had just been on duty nearby arrived.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, the traffic police was almost confused.

It’s not that he believes that women are not drunk driving, but that they are not catching the current situation. If you follow the method described by Ye Feng, you can finally find out if you can find out and leave it alone. This involves too much energy.

Ye Feng could see the traffic police’s hesitation and understood very well, but he really couldn’t leave it alone.

“I am a police officer from the Criminal Investigation Brigade. If you find it inconvenient to call for surveillance, I can help!”

Ye Feng’s words surprised the traffic policeman as well as the woman.

No wonder I have to report me because he is a policeman!

The woman knew that even if she denies now, the policeman would be able to give him enough evidence.

“Well, I admit, I was drunk driving!” The woman lowered her head and could only admit.

Then, the traffic police took the woman back to the traffic police team for punishment, and Ye Feng continued to go to work after a short delay.

What’s interesting is that this was not his own job, and the system actually gave him rewards.

5 justice value, 10w yuan, although there is no skill, it still makes Ye Feng very interesting!

When Ye Feng arrived at the unit, he realized that he was late.

Fortunately, no one cares too much about these matters. After all, the criminal police work day and night. If they have to follow the attendance system, then I am afraid that few can not be assessed.

In the morning, if there is no important work, Ye Feng is going to write a work report by himself. After all, Li Yanfei has her own girlfriend now, and she always makes her work hard to write these things, it feels distressed, isn’t it?

However, before Ye Feng could start writing, the warning came again!

This time, even the entire criminal investigation squadron took action instead of being sent out by a single squadron.

Almost all the police officers in the squadron put on their equipment, assembled and set off, and proceeded in accordance with the divided areas of their respective squadrons.

It’s like going to the battlefield to perform a mission!

Ye Feng didn’t know what happened until the police car drove on the road.

“Team Zhao, what happened? Ye Feng asked Daqi Zhao in surprise. According to the current scale of operations, it might not be possible to arrest a certain large-scale criminal gang.

Zhao Daqi did not hide it, because before this operation, personal communication tools had been turned in, so there was no need to worry about someone divulging the action plan.

“Someone called the police, as if they saw the wanted criminal Dong Dahai in the Shengjing community.”

“Dong Dahai once lived in Shengjing Community. Three years ago, he stabbed three people because of conflicts with his neighbors, and then absconded in fear of crime!”

“Because of the solid evidence, Dong Dahai was on a wanted warrant and became a wanted criminal. We chased and arrested him several times, but we were not able to catch him.”

“So this time there are witnesses, we have to deploy a large-scale control, complete the encirclement, and strive to capture Dong Dahai in one fell swoop.”

Zhao Daqi’s explanation made Ye Feng suddenly realize.

It is correct to treat wanted criminals carefully.

Because you don’t know how destructive he is.

But Ye Feng is very strange. Since he has already escaped and has not been caught yet, why does he come back?

Isn’t this self-inflicted?

Perhaps after seeing his doubts, Zhao Daqi gave him an explanation.

“Dong Dahai’s old mother is still alive and currently lives in Shengjing Community, and Dong Dahai’s wife and children also live together.”

Ye Feng nodded, it made sense.

It is estimated that Dong Dahai missed his relatives, and couldn’t bear to miss him, so he quietly returned after absconding, wanting to see his family.

And because Dong Dahai had lived in the Shengjing community before, and the trouble was so big at that time, the residents of the community must all know what happened. They might accidentally bump into Dong Dahai and immediately called the police.

Ye Feng quickly opened Dong Dahai’s wanted warrant, and remembered Dong Dahai’s appearance in his heart.

Soon, the police car arrived at the destination.

The arrest plan this time is to focus on the Shengjing community, radiate two kilometers outward, blockade and control, and never let Dong Dahai escape.

This kind of prudent treatment is comparable to a murderer.

The police car was parked on the periphery, and some of the police officers changed into civilian clothes so as not to startle the snakes.

Ye Feng was naturally in this ranks, changed into casual clothes, and set up with Wang Hongliang, pretending to be a passerby and squatting at an intersection.

Several police officers from the first squadron are going to Dong Dahai’s house. Once they have nothing to gain, they will immediately reduce the encirclement of the deployment control. I believe that Dong Dahai will always be blocked.

“I think Dong Dahai is really stupid!” Although Wang Hongliang was not the case manager at the time, he had also heard of the case. “Although three people were stabbed with a knife, they were not fatal or even serious. ”

“If he surrenders immediately, it is a crime of deliberate injury, and because of the circumstances of surrendering, he will be punished lightly as appropriate.”

“But he ran away and became a wanted criminal. He escaped outside for three years. It is estimated that he has lived a life without a ghost, and he has not seen his relatives.”

“What’s the difference between this and going to jail!”

Ye Feng nodded, Wang Hongliang really made sense. No matter what mistakes you make, avoidance is never the best solution.

“Are we too late to act?” Wang Hongliang frowned again and worried. “Maybe Dong Dahai went home and took a look at his family and ran away again. We came so mighty and might not necessarily be able to stop him.”

Ye Feng’s eyes kept sweeping across the passing people around him, scanning the face he had already printed in his mind.

As long as Dong Dahai appears, Ye Feng will definitely recognize him.

After the two of them stayed for about an hour, Zhao He’s voice came from the concealed headset.

“Several witnesses in a row confirmed that they had indeed seen Dong Dahai, but they did not find Dong Dahai after visiting.”

“All groups should pay attention to shrink the encirclement along the established route, and must not let anyone behave suspiciously, but also be careful not to startle the snake.”

Zhao He directed everyone to start the next action.

Ye Feng and Wang Hongliang looked at each other, and immediately changed their states to become passers-by, walking side by side.

Their task is to search along the street to find Dong Dahai’s hiding place.

There are many shops on both sides of the street. The two of them must pay attention to Dong Dahai slipping away from the street while checking the shops.

Work is really difficult!

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