Chapter 98

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Ye Feng fell asleep in a daze.

However, I don’t know when, suddenly there was an exclamation in the big office, which suddenly aroused Ye Feng’s spirit.


“Found the black bag again?”

All the policemen in the office looked at Zhao Daqi, the captain of the second squadron who answered the call at the same time, their eyes widened and their expressions shocked.

Zhao Daqi put down the phone and commanded vigorously.

“Another black bag was found by the Wanshuihe River. Inside it were dismembered human tissues and organs. Let’s go to the scene immediately!”

Ye Feng couldn’t help but chuckle in his heart.

Broken corpses found again?

This frequency is too high!

With such intensive killings and corpses, he couldn’t even judge the incredible extent of the murderer’s madness!

Although horrified in his heart, Ye Feng did not slow down at all. He and his colleagues from the task force quickly rushed out of the office and got into the car to the scene of the corpse.

It was originally planned to go to the previous scene after dawn 04 to find clues, but now it is completely unnecessary. A new scene is waiting for Ye Feng to discover.

The Wanshui River cannot be regarded as a small river. It originates from the mountains in the neighboring province, flows through four cities, and finally merges into the sea through the sea estuary of Binhai City.

In Binhai City alone, the length of Wanshui River is more than 30 kilometers.

After the task force arrived at the scene, it was discovered that the scene had been cordoned off by the police from the nearby police station.

Zhao Daqi took the lead, setting off a warning belt and bowing his head. The members of the task force followed closely behind and entered the scene.

But at this time, Ye Feng’s line of sight was fixed on a person who was incompatible with the atmosphere of the scene.

Why is she here?

Ye Feng would never have thought that he would actually see the female anchor who broadcasted fishing here.

Could it be that she found the black bag?

Ye Feng’s expression has become weird. If it is so, Ye Feng doesn’t know what to say about her.

At the same time, Wang Siqi was describing to the police the situation when she found the broken body.

She was really frightened, although she was fair skin, but now she has almost no blood.

She probably wouldn’t have thought that when she ran into the Wanshui River to fish at night, she actually ran into a terrible corpse.

She was vomiting bile at the time.

She has always been brazen, relied on taekwondo to protect her body, and dared to go fishing alone in the river in the wilderness at night.

But no matter how bold the girl is, she can’t stand the dismembered human tissues and organs.

Until now, her heart was still beating, and she was still in shock.

That is, the arrival of a group of police officers made her feel a little safe.

But at this moment, Wang Siqi saw a familiar face in the police team?

Isn’t this that crazy?

Was it just that the person who ran over to catch the electric fish and threw the beloved girl there that day was crazy about asking for his address in his live broadcast room?

It turns out that he is really a policeman!

This is even more surprising.

In order to catch an electric fish, a policeman made a frantic reward on the live broadcast platform.

Could it be that the cost of arresting people by the police is so high now?

I am afraid there is only one explanation, and that is that the policeman’s home is in good condition and he is still his own fan, and he was going to reward himself.

As for the latter, it is the person who happened to meet the electric fish, out of a sense of justice, can not turn a blind eye to illegal behavior.

Well, it must be so.

However, Wang Siqi might have forgotten that after Ye Feng caught the person from Dianyu, he threw her there, and left without even saying hello to her.

This is a fake fan!


Although Ye Feng recognized the fishing anchorwoman, he didn’t say hello to her, and directly began investigating the dead-throwing scene with his colleagues.

This place is a bit remote, I’m afraid it was the place where the perpetrator deliberately chose to throw the body.

There were footprints on the ground, and weeds also showed signs of being trampled on, but other than that, Ye Feng searched it carefully, but found no more.

The footprints are the same as the previous two corpse throwing points, so the conclusions are similar.

Judging from the perpetrator’s veteran first appearance, the probability of finding fingerprints or other clues from the black bag is not high.

“Take all the corpses back, quickly confirm the identity of the deceased, bring the people who are found, and return to the brigade!” Seeing that there was no more gains at the scene, Zhao Daqi directly commanded the brigade.

The next step is undoubtedly a series of tedious tasks.

Check the surveillance video of the nearby road section to confirm the identity of the deceased, and then proceed from the social relationship of the deceased. In addition, an autopsy is also to be done, and any possible clues cannot be missed.

Back to the brigade, Wang Siqi needed to make a more detailed transcript. At this time, Ye Feng walked over and sat next to him.

“Are you fishing alone in such a desolate place at night?” Ye Feng asked in a puzzled way. This can no longer be described as silly and bold.

If this were his own daughter, Ye Feng would have discounted her legs!

But before Wang Siqi could answer, Ye Feng suddenly realized a problem and hurriedly asked: “You didn’t start the live broadcast when you found the broken body?”

Ye Feng has already imagined such a scene. Wang Siqi was doing a live broadcast and found a bulging black bag. He opened it with great interest and called it “treasure hunt” in the live broadcast room.

It turned out that there were corpses inside. I’m afraid everyone in the live broadcast room will be frightened and scream!

This effect is too bad!

“No, I was all on the live broadcast at the time!” Wang Siqi replied, sticking out his tongue.

Ye Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, the Municipal Bureau and Criminal Investigation Team were under great pressure. If the corpse case spreads on the Internet, causing panic on a larger scale, the consequences would be disastrous.

After finishing the transcript, Wang Siqi went home with lingering fears. I am afraid she will not do live broadcast again in a short time.

But Ye Feng was lost in thought at this moment, his brain was running fast, looking for a breakthrough in the case.

Surveillance video may not yield much, and there are no new conclusions from the on-site survey. So, where do we need to start?

“Brother, bags of this kind of material should not be common in the market, right? Have you investigated the purpose and origin of this kind of bag?”

Except for the broken corpses, all the perpetrators left were the black bags containing the corpses.

With the criminal investigation brigade’s expertise, it will certainly not fail to consider this direction. Ye Feng wants to know if starting from this aspect, will there be any clues that are worth pursuing.

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