Chapter 171

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“This is a hospital, not a place for you to mess around!” Ye Feng yelled fiercely, “Whoever makes trouble again, I will arrest him on the charge of disturbing public order and infringing on personal rights!”

Ye Feng wasn’t threatening, he really wanted to be more real, he had no problem arresting people.

Everyone in the room is quiet, only the old lady is still sloppy.

Ye Feng glared at the suspect’s family members and said coldly: “She is not yet at an age when she does not need to bear criminal responsibility. You’d better quickly quiet her down.”

Perhaps it was really afraid of Ye Feng’s arrest. Several relatives quickly helped the old lady up and stood aside.

Ye Feng looked around and glanced at the people in this room.

“You want to mediate, no problem.”

“But considering that you have threatened the victim, we must be present in the mediation.”

“In addition, mediation does not require so many of you. Leave two who can be the masters, and the rest will leave the hospital for me as soon as possible.”

Ye Feng is not used to their problems at all.

Several members of the suspect’s family discussed it, and finally the boy’s mother and the child’s other uncle stayed behind, and the others slowly withdrew from the ward.

Then Ye Feng spoke.

“Now I officially inform you!”

“After our investigation and evidence collection, the facts of their crimes are clear and they have been identified as criminal suspects.”

“I don’t care if they got in touch with you after they absconded. As family members, I hope you urge them to surrender as soon as possible.”

“Online chase applications are already in the process. No surprises, they will become online chases tomorrow.”

“At that time, you should know the consequences!”

Ye Feng’s tone was cold, indifferent to criminals.

Hearing Ye Feng’s words, the child’s mother was a little frightened on the spot, and her brother did not expect that the police would move so fast.

“Can not do it!”

“Why are you chasing and fleeing online?”

“They didn’t escape!”

“Aren’t we discussing compensation? As long as we reach an understanding, aren’t we all right?”

The child’s mother was extremely flustered, looking really unacceptable.

Ye Feng smiled sarcastically. You really think that the law is made by you. Whatever you want?

“No escape? Then tell me where they are now?”

The woman lost her voice in an instant, and she didn’t know what to say.

“You can conduct mediation now to discuss the issue of compensation. Of course, if you can get the victim’s letter of understanding, you will have certain consideration in the court sentencing!”

Ye Feng added.

However, at this time the woman thought more about it.

“Since we got the letter of understanding, it shows that we have reached an agreement on compensation, so why do we have to sentence them in court? That means they still have to go to jail?”

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