Chapter 117

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“Why does it smell?”

Although this smell is very weak, it was caught by Ye Feng’s keen sense of smell.

The knowledge of criminal investigation chemistry immediately began to work in his brain. Ye Feng felt that he had become Conan. Starting from the identification of chemical substances, he would soon be able to find the murderer!


It seems to have gone wrong!

This is not a murder case either!

And Ye Feng perceives that this doesn’t seem to be a chemical smell, but rather a smell produced by microorganisms after fermentation.

It smells like rotten eggs, but also like… the smell of feet!

Hemp egg!

Did someone take off their shoes?

Ye Feng looked downstairs through the building, but the police officers were all wearing shoes and shoe covers, even the hostess.

That is to say, no one on their side takes off their shoes!

And the smell is only smelt after going upstairs!

Ye Feng’s expression suddenly changed, thinking of a possibility.

Is there someone in the family?

The smell of feet comes from this person.

So why would he take off his shoes?

Many thieves with a certain degree of prior criminal experience will choose to take off their shoes and then put on shoe covers, so that they can leave no traces as much as possible.

Is it possible that the thief is still there?

Ye Feng’s heart slammed, his expression has become extremely solemn.

Came to the stairs again, did not speak, and made a gesture of raising a gun to Zhao Daqi downstairs.

Because it was just a burglary, not a major murder, the members of the Second Squadron did not apply for guns when they left the police. Only Zhao Daqi and another police officer were equipped with guns just in case.

Zhao Daqi saw Ye Feng’s gesture, his expression changed instantly, and he did not speak very cautiously, but directly pulled another police officer with a gun upstairs.

Although Zhao Daqi was very puzzled, he knew that Ye Feng would not aimlessly.

There must be a situation upstairs, and it may even be dangerous, so Ye Feng asked them to pull up their guns.

The two had already taken out the grab, opened the box, held the gun in both hands in front of them, very careful.

“Someone!” Ye Feng said, but he didn’t make a sound, and only told Zhao Daqi with his lips.

Zhao Daqi’s expression changed again, and his movements became much more cautious.

Ye Feng nodded slightly, sniffing the unnoticeable odor, looking for the source of the odor.


Behind the sofa!

Ye Feng’s eyes froze instantly, focusing on the huge sofa in the living room on the second floor.

This is a European-style leather sofa with a luxurious shape, and there is a gap below the wall behind the sofa.

If it is not for cleaning purposely, often no one will move the position behind the sofa.

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