Chapter 196

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If you really care about it, Brother Hu must be carrying the case on his back. He has broken the law just by linking up the criminal gang.

However, if the three brothers of Brother Tiger didn't participate more deeply, they would at most be one who knew nothing about it, and it was not guilty.

Now that the criminal gang did not know why, they actually killed Brother Tiger. Then the three younger brothers who are closest to Brother Tiger, they can guarantee that they don't know anything?

So, maybe the three of them will be killed too!

So Ye Feng simply reminded them to avoid the limelight first, so as not to be killed silently.

As for the clue of Da Yuzi, Ye Feng believes that they will not tell the police. After all, what they are doing is not clean. Not to mention it at this time is to protect themselves.

Tell Brother Tiger’s three little brothers that if you think of any useful clues, you should contact him in time. If two criminal gangs kill them, contact him as soon as possible. Then Ye Feng left the teahouse.

Next, it's time to look for the boss of the criminal gang with a big scorpion on his nose.

So Ye Feng drove directly to the Louvre Hall.

Since Brother Hu stayed at the Louvre Hall all day, he, as a broker, had a very high probability of meeting the two parties at the Louvre Hall.

Perhaps the Louvre Guild Hall has traces left by them.

I went directly to the lobby manager of the Louvre Hall and asked myself to call up all the monitoring requirements.

Although the lobby manager felt very embarrassed, but after hesitating for a while, he still agreed to Ye Feng's request.

The reason is simple. He knows that Ye Feng is powerful and powerful. Even if he refuses Ye Feng, Ye Feng can also pressure the Louvre Guild Hall through other channels. Things will probably be embarrassing then.

So instead of irritating Ye Feng now, it's better to offer the surveillance video with both hands.

"Remember, don't tell anyone that I have been monitored!" Ye Feng repeatedly told him: "You know that there is a crime involved. Once you say it, you will even be in danger of your life, understand?"

Ye Feng's main purpose is to prevent him from saying go out and startling snakes. As for life-threatening, it is just to scare people.

But the lobby manager of the Louvre Guild Hall was really frightened. After all, in his opinion, the tiger brother was killed. If he really got into trouble, would he be better?

"In addition, do you have any impression of who Brother Hu had close contact with you before?" Ye Feng unknowingly entered the inquiry mode again.

Although the lobby manager of the Louvre Hall feels weird, you said you are a rich man or a young man. Why do you want to mix up these things?

Even if Brother Hu is famous on the road, he shouldn't overlap with you!

Just because you met at the shooting range last time, you want to avenge Hu brother?

Hemp egg!

These rich and young people really have nothing to do with a full day!

However, he really didn't dare to complain about Ye Feng in person, so he could only honestly ask what to answer.

"Brother Hu has a very wide range of social interactions, but most of them are old acquaintances. Recently, he seems to be getting closer to the two groups. It seems that he is going to introduce what business and what he is doing. I don't know if it is illegal or not!"

"I have the impression that just two days before Brother Tiger was found killed, that is, the day after you and Brother Tiger met at the shooting range, Brother Tiger met them here again."

"Then when they left, I didn't see it."

Ye Feng was embarrassed when he heard the words, this information is very useful.

If a criminal gang appears in the Louvre Guild Hall, the surveillance will definitely leave traces. Following the vines, it is possible to find more things.

Apart from anything else, Ye Feng directly asked the lobby manager to open a room for him, and held the laptop in the car and shut himself in the room.

He is about to turn on the naked eye filtering mode of surveillance video!

There is a rough range of time, Ye Feng started directly from the time when he left the Louvre Hall that night.

Soon, at noon the next day, Ye Feng found the person he was looking for from the lobby surveillance.

Brother Hu appeared in the lobby, sat on the sofa, and seemed to be waiting for someone.

After waiting for less than half an hour, a group of people walked into the Louvre Hall very imposingly.

Brother Hu got up to greet each other, and the two parties exchanged a little bit in the lobby, which looked like a business man.

Although this monitor can't see the face and can't distinguish the details, as long as the specific time is known, then the entire Louvre Hall will be monitored with so much monitoring, there will always be a monitoring picture that captures the face of the gang boss 0....

What made Ye Feng even more shocking was that among the pedestrians, he found that the walking posture of a person was very similar to the walking posture of the suspect who killed Brother Tiger, or even exactly the same.

This also verified what Brother Hu said. He felt that the man seemed to be a member of the gang.

Next, Ye Feng intercepted all the surveillance images at this point in time, and finally found a clear frontal view of this group of people in the mirror.

Especially when he saw the face of the gang boss, Ye Feng's pupils shrank suddenly.

On the tip of his nose, there was a big black mole, just like the description of Brother Tiger.

found it!

Ye Feng is very sure that this group is definitely one of the buyers and sellers of the arms case.

So, where to find them next?

After thinking about it, Ye Feng immediately clicked on the surveillance video outside the gate of Louvre Hall.

Although it is a long journey from other places, but such a group of people travel, you can't always take a taxi, right?

Whether they are buying or renting, they will definitely have their own car for the convenience of travel.

As long as the license plate number of their vehicle is known, it is much simpler to find their tracks next, and not to be clueless.

Soon, Ye Feng got the answer he wanted to know!

This group of people drove a Mercedes-Benz car and a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle to the Louvre Club, which is very in line with the temperament of a big brother.

Ye Feng has already obtained the license plates of these two cars.

Although there is a high probability that these two cars have passed the deck, but knowing the model, from the public security monitoring on the road, you can also find the two cars.

At most, the workload is a little bit more!

With super dynamic vision, the magical skill of watching surveillance videos, Ye Feng doesn't worry about the difficulty at all.

As long as the approximate locations of the two cars can be finally locked, Ye Feng believes that he can find their hiding place!

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