Chapter 181

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Li Yanfei knew that Ye Feng must have
his own Ideas, so she cleverly stayed by his side.

A few people sat on a large deck, Ye Feng Dama Jindao sat in the middle, Bao Renzhi and Brother Hu sat on both sides carefully.

Ye Feng didn't mean to incorporate Bao Renzhi in, but if Bao Renzhi was present, it might make Brother Tiger relax a little
more vigilant and not have too much doubt about himself.

"I just said that I am envious of the kind of life that is happy and enmity in the rivers and lakes. My biggest regret is that i didn't live in the world of ancient knights, otherwise I must have been a knight in the rivers and lakes now." Ye
Feng haha said with a smile.

Although Brother Hu still Iaughed with his
expression, he already despised him in his heart.

Do you think the arena is so easy to get around?

If you can live a stable life, who wants to come out and mix?

Coming out is like pinning your head to
your waist, maybe it won't be there that

The rich and young only saw that they were chic every day, but they couldn't see how embarrassed they were when their life was difficult.

"It's nothing more than eating with a mouthful of food, life is not easy!" Brother Hu didn't say "I'm not a fool" in front of Ye
Feng, something he knew well.

Ye Feng looked at Brother Tiger with interest, "I made a friend of Brother Tiger
today. Can you tell us about your business?"

Brother Hu thought for a while, and then he concealed the things that could not be said, and then smiled and said, "Don't look at our superficial scenery, but in
fact I am just a broker. If someone wants to sell something, I will find it. When you look at the buyer, if someone wants to buy something, I will find a seller, relying
on contacts and credibility, so I can eat."

Hearing Brother Tiger's words, Ye Feng
thought about it in his heart.

Perhaps he was wrong just now. Seeing
Brother Tiger's posture, he thought Brother Tiger was one of the buyers and sellers of the arms case.

But now listen to what he said, if he is the broker, then there are still other people on the buyer and seller.

However, Ye Feng can't continue to explore, because he is afraid that he will startle the snake. After all, the first time we met, how could Brother Tiger dig into himself!

Mark Tiger in the detection glasses, so
as long as Ye Feng does not take the initiative to eliminate the mark, then the positioning of Tiger will always be
captured by the detection glasses, but Ye Feng can keep track of Brother Tiger's whereabouts at any time.

This is also a powerful feature of detection glasses.

After chatting for a while, after exchanging contact information, Brother
Hu seemed to be willing to get closer to Ye Feng. He repeatedly called when he had something to say, and he promised
to be on call.

After the farewell, Ye Feng and Li Yanfei didn't reveal anything to Li Yanfei when they went home.

Li Yanfei still doesnt know this kind of big case.

"Yeah! You haven't shot the last shot yet!" Li Yanfei called out suddenly in the car.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, Yes, I forgot to shoot the last shot!

LI Yanfei rolled her eyes and snickered like a little fox.

"Then I don't care, anyway,I now have
more rings than you! Hurry up and call

Ye Feng was speechless, you really want to be your sister!

After all the fun, after sending Li Yanfei home, Ye Feng returned to the villa and specifically positioned the tiger brother when he was washing.

Brother Hu hadn't left the Louvre Hall, but was resting in the Louvre Hall.

At this time, the power of the detection glasses was once again reflected.

Real-time positioning is not a plane, but
a three-dimensional one. It can actually detect which room Tiger Brother is in.

Ye Feng couldn't help being surprised.

This is too black technology!

However, if the detection glasses can be equipped with a virtual camera after positioning, it would be great if Ye Feng can see the real-time images around Brother Tiger.

But this is obviously just wishful thinking.

Ye Feng plans to contact Brother Tiger occasionally in the past few days, and slowly learn a set of words from Brother Tiger. Maybe there is something to gain.

He must grasp the specific circumstances of the arms case before the time node of December 10, or else once the transaction is completed, the criminals will probably get away with it.


Came to the Criminal Investigation Brigade early the next day.

Because tomorrow is the skill competition, Zhao He did not arrange a too complicated case for Ye Feng. So under the leadership of Ye Feng, the Ye Feng special operations team went
directly to the streets and took the initiative to find criminals to combat O..

The railway station has always been a place for many illegal activities, so this time they still chose the crowded railway station as the inspection location.

Ye Feng deliberately asked Wang Hao to follow him, and took the time to explain the criminal investigation theory to Wang Hao.

After all, criminal investigation is a general direction, which has a lot of professional knowledge that needs to be mastered.

Even Ye Feng dare not say that he is proficient in all the knowledge and skills related to criminal investigation.

For example, in terms of criminal intelligence acquisition, such as criminal psychological profiling, there is no systematic reward. He only has written theories that he has mastered when he was in the police academy, and he has not yet reached the level of flexible use in the process of case detection.

Because Wang Hao is lacking in the basics of criminal investigation, Ye Feng first started with criminal investigation.
After Wang Hao has mastered the science of criminal investigation, he can participate in case investigation to a certain extent.

As for whether Wang Hao can be trained as an outstanding criminal investigator, Ye Feng is  not too sure. After all, some people are good at this and some are good at that. You cant ask everyone to know everything.

"Boss, my head is big when I hear it, it's much harder than shooting a gun!" Wang Hao grinned, trying to digest Ye Feng's explanation.

But before Ye Feng could speak, the police phone on his body rang.

It is the police report of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

"Afeng, at the 45th station on the southside of the railway station, the driver of the road called the police that someone was carrying a bomb on the train.

"The police from the railway sub-bureau has already rushed over, and the special police brigade has also dispatched people. You are close, and so quickly rush over to evacuate the crowd to ensure safety."

Upon receiving the task, Ye Feng rushed to the bus station south of the train station with Wang Hao without hesitation. He knew that there were always people coming and going in that
location. If an explosion really happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

it's just that he couldn't understand why someone carried a bomb on the bus?

Since bombs can be used, I am afraid it is definitely not a trivial matter. For such a big thing, don't you know that you are more concealed when you take a car?

And even if you take the bus, you can still be discovered and caught by the police?

This is just nonsense!

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