Chapter 108

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It’s no wonder that Ye Feng’s first reaction would be a supernatural event.

If the kindergarten has an extra toy that does not belong to the kindergarten, it is not worth all the fuss.

Because it is entirely possible that a certain kid brought it from home.

But now there is an extra child for no reason. It is impossible for a certain child to carry his neighbor’s child to the kindergarten, right?

Ye Feng ran towards Beibeixing Kindergarten, while guessing various possibilities in his mind, but he never thought of a reasonable explanation.

After running to Beibeixing Kindergarten, I found that the principal was waiting at the door.

“Hello, is it the police you called?” Ye Feng asked in surprise, “Are you sure you have one more child instead of one missing?”

The head of the kindergarten also looked horrified, and nodded quickly: “There is really one more child. This is not our kindergarten child. One of our class teachers was preparing to feed the children for breakfast, and found that there was one more child in the class. child!”

Ye Feng and the principal went into the kindergarten together and entered the principal’s office.

There is a teacher in the office comforting a little boy who is obviously crying.

Then needless to say, this child is the one who suddenly appeared in the garden.

Ye Feng squatted down, 04 eyes were flush with the child’s eyes, and smiled and asked softly: “My kid, is this the kindergarten you go to? How did you get here?”

The little boy’s expression was a little timid, and his eyes dodge. He didn’t know if it was because he was coy in front of strangers or because he was afraid of Ye Feng’s police uniform.

“Uncle is the People’s Police, who protects your safety. You should have heard the story of the police catching the bad guys. I am the policeman who fights the bad guys in the story!”

In the face of children, Ye Feng still has a good way.

“I want my mother!” The little boy narrowed his mouth and looked very pitiful.

Ye Feng suddenly thumped in his heart.

He will not be abandoned by his parents, will he?

But this thought just flashed and was thrown aside by Ye Feng.

If you are your biological parents, you will probably abandon your child unless you are really desperate. Otherwise, as long as you can have a bite of food, you won’t be so cruel.

Although the little boy in front of him was crying a little embarrassed, he could tell that his family conditions should be good.

From top to bottom, brand-name children’s clothing, Adi children’s shoes alone, are more expensive than Ye Feng’s own sports shoes.

“Where is your mother?” Ye Feng asked invitingly.

The little boy twitched his nose a few times, “Mom went to work!”

Ye Feng is really confused now, and can only continue to ask, “Then how did you get here?”

“It was sent by my uncle. In the morning… Mom left early in the morning and asked my uncle to send me off.” Although the little boy was a little slow and his words were a little unclear, Ye Feng understood.

Could it be the boy’s uncle who misheard the child’s kindergarten and sent the little boy here?

Although it feels incredibly absurd, Ye Feng really can’t think of a more reasonable explanation.

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