Chapter 133

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Soon, the three big kings have completed their survey of the scene, and when they returned to Ye Feng, they all shook their heads.

Obviously, they don’t have much gain, such as fingerprints, etc., do not need to consider at all.

“Brother, are you going to call for monitoring?” Ye Feng asked Wang Hongliang as if asking, because Zhao Daqi had asked Wang Hongliang to do it several times before, so Ye Feng thought Wang Hongliang had any special skills at this point.

Wang Hongliang: “…”

Can I not go?

Why do I feel that I went to call the monitoring system and come back, why did you solve the case again?

No, I will stay here this time.

“Go Jinfeng!” Wang Hongliang pushed Jinfeng.

“Bunle, you go!” Jin Feng pushed Li Wenle.

Li Wenle had no one to push, so he kept looking at the police at the police station.

The policeman at this police station is also speechless. Okay, I am a tool man, I will go.

So, he went to the property to call for monitoring.

At this time, Ye Feng walked into the house cautiously and began to look at it.

The owner of the house is an old couple with no children around. At this time, they all put on shoe covers and followed in.

“Auntie, have you counted the lost property?” Ye Feng asked casually with a smile.

“Don’t mention it! I lost all my gold bracelets and necklaces. Last week my son came back to see me and honored my 20,000 yuan, but it was also stolen! This goddamn thief!”

The aunt felt distressed about the things she lost, and she was very excited. Ye Feng was a little bit afraid that she would be so anxious that she would fall ill again.

However, this time the amount involved is really high.

Twenty thousand in cash, plus gold jewelry, three to four thousand are there.

It’s really utterly conscience to start with the old man.

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that there was an opened bag of spicy noodles on the table, a little puzzled.

“Uncle, does the spicy bar belong to your family?” Generally, old people don’t like to eat this food.

“Yeah, I like to eat spicy strips. My wife always says this stuff is unhealthy, but I can live for a few years. If I can eat it, I will eat something.” ”

Ye Feng didn’t care too much either. There was still a little bit of scum on the ground, which might have leaked from the mouth when the uncle ate the spicy strips.

Suddenly, Ye Feng made a discovery that made his eyes shine.

He actually saw a small pan-tilt camera on the shelf of the wine cabinet!

This thing has real-time recording and storage functions!

“Uncle, your house actually has home surveillance!” Ye Feng asked the old man in surprise and eagerness: “Have you been driving?”

The old man was taken aback, and then he patted his leg.

“It’s on! It’s on! This is what my son pretended to be an accident at home, saying that we could see us outside at any time, but we don’t usually use this thing, so I didn’t think of it!” Can there be a thief in it?”

The uncle replied suddenly, but he really didn’t understand how to use this thing, so the specifics were not very clear.

“Master, contact your child immediately and ask him to send the connection account. If we can record the thief’s appearance, then we will be able to catch him soon!”

Everyone couldn’t help but feel happy when they heard that there was home surveillance at home.

Soon, the connected account was sent over, and I immediately logged in here to check the surveillance video.

Ye Feng’s ultra-dynamic vision allowed him to directly adjust the video playback speed to 16 times the speed. Soon, a figure entered the surveillance video.

This time, it is already two o’clock in the morning, which is when people sleep most well.

Thinking about it now, it makes people scared for a while.

The old couple was sleeping, but the culprit came in at home!

Fortunately, the culprits only ask for money, not life, otherwise the lives of the old couple would be in danger!

Pause, rewind a bit, slow down, and then the burglar entered the screen.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the thief had packed himself too tightly.

The big peaked cap, the brim of the hat is still pressed very low, and a black mask is worn on his mouth, and the lower half of his face is closed again.

Looking at it this way, except for a little bit of eyes, the other facial features are completely hidden.

This can recognize a ghost!

Moreover, the thieves are tall, neither fat nor thin, and they are wearing ordinary black sportswear. The shoes under their feet cannot be seen clearly because they are covered with shoe covers, and they cannot be identified based on physical characteristics.

It really is a habitual offender!

Not leaking, the experience is called a veteran!

Not reconciled, Ye Feng fast-forwarded the video again, but because of the position of the camera, it didn’t take long for the thief to enter the screen, and the whole process did not reveal any of his characteristics.

“`~Brother Feng, you said that if you send the screenshot of the video to the technical department, there should be no way to compare the suspect with facial recognition technology, right?” Jin Feng asked a little unconfidently.

Ye Feng couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

Be confident and remove the “should”!

You can only see the eyes, which is not very comprehensive. Do you want the technical department to find the suspect through facial recognition?

Believe it or not, technical officers are chasing you all over the world with their batons!

The hopeful direction was so cut off, and everyone felt extremely sorry.

No way, who made the thief be so cautious!

However, Ye Feng is still not reconciled. This is the only suspect’s image data in the five burglaries so far. Without other clues, he can only use this as a breakthrough.

So Ye Feng sat back there again, and started watching the surveillance video over and over again at the fastest speed, looking for clues that he might have overlooked.

(Promise)    opens the door and enters into the picture, disappears into the picture and enters the living room;

Enter the picture again, disappear from the picture after a few seconds and enter the second bedroom;

After a few minutes, he came out of the second bedroom and entered the screen. Then Ye Feng saw that the thief had opened the door of the master bedroom and tried to enter, but he might have found the old couple who was sleeping and closed the door and retired;

Then he left the screen and entered the living room. When the thief re-entered the screen, his pocket was already bulged a lot, and he had obviously succeeded.

When he entered the screen again, he entered only half of his body, standing at the dining table with his back facing the monitor.

Ye Feng quickly clicked the timeout!

Slowly rewind and play again!

Ye Feng frowned and stared at the video screen to buy.

Looking from behind, the thief made a gesture of reaching out to his face, which caught Ye Feng’s attention!

What is he doing?

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