Chapter 226

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As Ye Feng has more and more experience in handling cases, he is more and more affirmed that micro-expression analysis can play a huge role in the process of handling cases.

The vast majority of ordinary people do not undergo special psychological training, and often respond to mental fluctuations and emotional changes in expressions and actions.

At this time, a relatively accurate judgment can be initially obtained through micro-expression analysis, and a deeper investigation based on this can also be regarded as providing a very meaningful direction for solving the case.

Even sometimes when you encounter a suspect with poor psychological quality, his real-time expression may have directly explained his crime.

Just like the young suspect in front of him, even if Ye Feng didn't know his specific situation, just met him on the road, Ye Feng would suspect that he was carrying the case on his back.

Because he was so flustered when facing the police.

"I think you should know why we brought you back? Although frank crime is no longer considered a surrender, you should know that if you resist, the law will punish you severely."

Ye Feng's words carry a chill that is not easily noticeable. When he thinks of the tragic death of the young girl, Ye Feng hates the suspect in front of him.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this sensibility and sense of responsibility that Ye Feng is determined to be a policeman who keeps catching bad guys and has been working hard for it.

"I...I...I..." Liu Moumou lowered his head, never dared to raise his head and look at Ye Feng with both hands, constantly under the shackles of handcuffs. Rubbing, this subconscious move made Ye Feng even more aware of the panic in his heart at this time.

He opened his mouth several times, but it seemed that he had lost the ability to speak and could not say anything.

"All right, I'll ask you." Ye Feng slapped the table sharply, leaning over and staring at Liu Moumou.

"You killed the girl, didn't you?"

This question is like a sharp blade, directly piercing Liu Moumou's psychological defense, his eyes have become extremely frightened, as if he had just woke up from a nightmare.

After struggling for a while, he sat there slumped, his whole being like a walking dead.

"Yes... I did it!"

Speaking this sentence, it was as if he had lost all his strength.

With his passing, the outstanding case was solved.

Even if there are a lot of details of the crime to be explained in the follow-up, it is clear that Liu Moumou has already pleaded guilty.

Ye Feng felt extremely bored at this time, as if he was stuck in his heart.

The interrogation was handed over to Wang Hongliang, and he walked out of the interrogation room alone.

He wanted to be alone.

Li Yanfei noticed Ye Feng's emotional changes in the large office, and followed with a little worry.

"What's wrong with you?" The tone was concerned.

Ye Feng couldn't help sighing.

"I just don't understand why so many people commit crimes. Isn't it a good idea to live a good life?"

Li Yanfei has never discovered that Ye Feng has such a sentimental side.

"Human nature is a very complicated thing! For thousands of years, so many philosophers have not figured it out. If you are entangled in this question, there is no need?"

Li Yanfei smiled and enlightened Ye Feng.

"There are always good people and bad people in the world. This is inevitable. If they are all good people, wouldn't there be no such thing as a policeman?"

"Oh, yes. If you didn't become a policeman, what would you do?"

Li Yanfei wanted to change the topic to make Ye Feng divert her attention and get out of her depression.

Ye Feng froze for a moment, he really hadn't considered this issue.

After determined to be a police officer, I never thought about doing other jobs.

Now think about it, if you are not a policeman, but a programmer or a white-collar worker in the workplace, the picture is a bit unimaginable.

It suddenly occurred to me that the system also rewarded myself for my culinary proficiency.

Can't help but laugh, "I think I might be a cook."

This time it was changed to Li Yanfei and was stunned!

"Cook? Why did I never know that you still cook?"

No wonder Li Yanfei was surprised, even if Ye Feng possesses so many magical abilities, she couldn't connect Ye Feng with cooking.

The smile on Ye Feng's face is even stronger, "Wait next time, let you taste the Man Han Banquet I made!"

"Should it be dark food?" Li Yanfei couldn't help rolling her eyes, "We have no grievances, you want to harm me?"


After laughing with Li Yanfei for a while, Ye Feng finally felt better, and then entered the interrogation room again...

At this time, Liu Moumou had already accounted for all the crimes, and Wang Hongliang was recording his confession.

It turned out that on the day of the incident, the ducks raised in the girl's house ran around and ran to the neighbor's Liu Moumou's house, so the girl went to the neighbor's house to find the ducks back.

Liu Moumou was working in the city at that time, and he was not at home, only Liu Moumou himself.

Seeing the girl from the neighbor's house enter his yard, I don't know why Liu Moumou was obsessed with her heart at the time and had evil thoughts.

If Liu XX deceives the girl into the house, he wants to infringe.

But because the girl yelled for help, Liu XX was worried about attracting other people, so he strangled the girl, then dug a hole in the corner of the backyard and buried the girl's body there.

When investigating later, although he was afraid in his heart, he just insisted that he knew nothing at home.

Because there was no evidence, and the police at the time felt that he was too old to commit a crime, there was no more doubt about him.

When the limelight passed, Liu XX hurriedly went to work outside. If possible, he would never want to go back to the old house in his hometown for the rest of his life.

It's just that Liu Moumou might never have thought that the evidence will appear in ten years, and the truth will surface in ten years.

What awaits him next is the trial of the law.

He must pay for what he did!

And when this outstanding case was closed ten years ago, there was almost an uproar in the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Although the police officers have always been able to find a breakthrough direction for the case when others are helpless, the police officers can always catch the suspect in one fell swoop.

But this time, they were not shocked by Ye Feng.

Because in the process of detecting this case, the two unusual police dogs, Beckham and Spice Girl, were obviously the most dazzling.

The two of them are really eye-catching!

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