Chapter 246

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Ye Feng was almost stunned by Zhao He's new mission.

The ancestral grave was dug?

Just call the police station!

Need our special operations team to play?

If there is a choice, Ye Feng would rather lead the team on duty.

Because it’s not a big deal at all, okay?

Although it is an ancestral grave, it can go up several generations at most.

It is not a prince and noble, there can be no large-scale funeral.

Therefore, it is obviously unlikely to be a tomb robbery. Maybe it is a conflict between the neighbors, and together they vented their ancestors.

Such things can be completely resolved by the police station.

The most important thing is that if you simply dig a grave, it does not involve criminal responsibility!

Judging the nature of this piece is still very complicated.

First of all, it depends on your motivation for digging the grave.

If you dig your grave for the purpose of illegal possession, such as organ trafficking, marriage, sale, etc., it is suspected of theft of dead bodies;

If you dig your grave to steal funeral objects, you are suspected of theft;

If you dig your grave to humiliate the descendants of the deceased, you may be suspected of insulting;

If you smash the tombstone and the value of the tombstone is higher, you may be suspected of destroying property;

If you provoke a conflict between the two parties by digging someone else’s ancestral grave, you are also suspected of causing trouble;

Of course, people who steal corpses or ashes for extortion constitute the crime of extortion;


Therefore, it is difficult to judge the specific circumstances and specific charges with just one sentence of digging the grave.

Can't help looking at Zhao He with a bit of resentment, can't this task be changed?

But obviously, Zhao He felt that the Ye Feng Special Operations Team was the most suitable candidate, and Ye Feng had no way to refuse.

So Ye Feng set off with Wang Hongliang and Li Wenle.

Obviously, there is no need for the whole group to dispatch this kind of case, leaving Luo Yang to lead the team, and other cases can also be handled.

Cremation has been practiced a long time ago, and most of the soil buried in remote villages in the past, there would be no graves in cities.

Therefore, it took more than an hour for the police car to drive out of the city and out of the suburbs to reach Liujiacun.

This is a quiet small mountain village surrounded by several hills. The environment is very good. Three people who are used to breathing exhaust gas in big cities feel fresh and tangy when they get out of the car.

However, they are obviously not here to breathe fresh air.

To find the village chief, you need to know the specific situation with them.

In fact, the township police station had already sent people when they received the report, but on the one hand, they were really too busy, and on the other hand, it was undoubtedly troublesome to track down the matter, so the police station would report the police information.

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