Chapter 100

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Zhao Chunguo!

A name emerges three-dimensionally from many names, and it appears in all three lists.

He had worked in all three companies, and all happened to be in the department headed by the deceased.

Even if he cannot be identified as the murderer now, Ye Feng still believes that he has the greatest suspicion of committing the crime.

And there is a very important point. Judging from the information provided by the three companies, this person named Zhao Chunguo left the company because he was fired, that is, he was fired!

Ye Feng immediately called Zhao He.

“Team Zhao, I found a person who was related to the three deceased.”

“He used to work for the three companies where the three deceased belonged, but was eventually fired.”

“When it is impossible to connect the three deceased in other ways, I think we can use this person as the direction of investigation to do further investigations!”

Zhao He was questioning at the deceased’s house, and he was already in a state of exhaustion.

After receiving a call from Ye Feng, Zhao He was so excited that he almost fell off the sofa.

An old criminal investigator’s intuition told him that the person Ye Feng picked out was probably the murderer.

“Daqi, you leave two people to continue investigating here, and everyone else has returned to the team, and Afeng has found his way!” Zhao He stood up and said to Zhao Daqi, who was still confused.

Although Zhao Daqi is still a little dazed, judging from Zhao He’s state, I am afraid that the case really has made substantial progress.

What breakthrough did Ye Feng find?

Can’t help but be speechless, unbelievable in my heart!

In the last serial murder case, Zhao Daqi did not catch up because of a business trip to handle the case. After returning, he could always hear the officers of the Second Squadron talk about Ye Feng, almost blowing Ye Feng to the sky.

Of course, hearing is fictitious and seeing is believing, Zhao Daqi always felt that the facts should not be exaggerated as they said.

So this time when there was no progress in the case, Zhao He decided to urgently transfer Ye Feng into the task force to assist in the investigation, but Zhao Daqi did not take it seriously.

Maybe it’s just that Zhao He is optimistic about Ye Feng, and maybe he is ready to focus on training Ye Feng!

In fact, at the first sight of Ye Feng just now, Zhao Daqi was a little attracted by Ye Feng’s demeanor.

There is no doubt that spirit, ability, wisdom, and motivation, the most important thing is to have light in the eyes!

All the characteristics of Ye Feng are the characteristics that a truly outstanding criminal investigator should possess!

Perhaps, this young man can really bring some help to the detection of the case, maybe!

However, Zhao Daqi didn’t expect that it didn’t take long for Ye Feng to find a breakthrough direction for the investigation of the case.

This is incredible!

He can’t wait to fly back to the Criminal Investigation Brigade to see how Ye Feng locks in the target direction.

However, Zhao Daqi now has more thoughts.

“Boss, I heard that you plan to transfer Ye Feng to our squadron after he turns into a regular position. Then you see, can you let him come to our second squadron?” Zhao Daqi felt that he should act first.

There are four criminal investigation squadrons under the Criminal Investigation Brigade. If Ye Feng is transferred to the Criminal Investigation Brigade, he will definitely enter one of the four squadrons.

Zhao Daqi doesn’t want to let go of a genius like Ye Feng.

It is Ye Feng’s superpower now. If it really enters the Second Squadron, then the Second Squadron will really become a sharp knife in the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Of course Zhao He understands what Zhao Daqi is thinking, but he hasn’t really made a decision yet.

“Let’s talk about it then, finish the case first!”

Except for those who were left to continue the investigation, most of the members of the task force have returned to the brigade.

“A Feng, tell me about your discovery!” Zhao He smiled, and once again began to pave the way for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was naturally not timid, and stood up to tell his findings.

“Zhao Chunguo, this person once had work experience in the company where the three deceased people worked.”

“It’s no coincidence that the direct leaders of the three companies when he worked were the three deceased.”

“He left the three companies for the same reason and was fired.”

“We might as well guess that the reason for Zhao Chunguo’s resignation may be a problem with work ability, or a problem with his work attitude, or even more likely because it harmed the company’s interests…”

“So, the three deceased, as his direct leaders, probably all played a part or even a decisive role in his expulsion.”

“So is it possible that Zhao Chunguo felt resentment against the three former direct leaders because of his dismissal. Perhaps under some stimulus, he chose a vicious way of committing crimes, killing and dismembering the three dead?”

“As long as there is no more discovery, we can investigate Zhao Chunguo as the first suspect.”

Ye Feng’s words made all the members of the task force very excited, because they finally saw the dawn of solving the case.

At the same time, there was more shock in their hearts.

They never thought that they could find the connection between the victims in this way, let alone Ye Feng found a breakthrough so quickly.

“We have been busy for a week! I had known that Ye Feng was transferred in the first time, so there would be no need to work so hard!”

“Why didn’t I think of this?”

“Yes, I didn’t expect to be able to start with the former employees of the three companies!”

“I bet that Ye Feng’s mind-blowing turning speed is more than five times faster than mine!”

“Stop it, why didn’t I know your mind would turn?”


The team members were chattering and chatting in excitement.

Zhao He stood up and said decisively: “Now, we will use Zhao Chunguo as the main direction for the investigation of the case. Let’s take action!”

It has to be said that the operational efficiency of the task force is very high, and the detailed information of Zhao Chunguo was quickly investigated.

After being unemployed continuously, Zhao Chunguo currently makes a living on short-distance transportation and drives a van to deliver goods to people every day.

After getting the detailed address, he immediately set off and went straight to Zhao Chun’s country.

However, they rushed for nothing, Zhao Chunguo was not at home.

As a result, two police officers squatted on the upper floor, while the others were scattered around Zhao Chun’s country, waiting for him to return home.

Until the evening, a van drove from afar and stopped downstairs. The male driver came down and was about to go upstairs.

Through the photos on the profile, Ye Feng has recognized that this person is Zhao Chunguo!


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