Chapter 202

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The sudden sound of gunfire broke the tranquility of the night and made this small seaside village seem to be awakened.

The villagers woke up from their sleep, distinguished the gunfire, and couldn't help but panic. They would never have thought that they would have heard such intense gunfire one day.

At this moment, the beach has been caught in a fierce battle.

I have to admit that the ability of the members of the SWAT team is still very reliable. Six people are holding automatic rifles and shooting continuously. Although they cannot reach the level of perfect bullets, the vitality of the two criminal gangs is reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

Because the members of the criminal gang could not find a bunker they could rely on in a short time, even if they fought back fiercely, how could their combat effectiveness be comparable to the well-trained SWAT team members!

However, since they dare to get involved in arms, they must also rely on it.

Ye Feng can see that there are powerful guys in the two criminal gangs. At first glance, they have been specially trained. No matter how they react or respond, they are far from being comparable to ordinary criminals.

04  After they found a bunker nearby, they fought back. To a certain extent, the SWAT team dared not shoot unscrupulously.

There were many criminals who were hit by bullets lying on the beach. Some of them were shot in the legs and some were shot in the abdomen. They all lay there wailing and lost their combat effectiveness.

Of course, there must have been people who were shot directly and died, and the corpses lay motionless there.

The current situation has changed from an ambush at the beginning to a real battle, and it has also completely entered a white-hot stage.

Ye Feng is constantly observing through binoculars. As the police have no absolute casualties, the two criminal gangs have passed several indiscriminate shootings by SWAT members. Their vitality has been greatly attenuated, and there are still more than ten people who have found them. After setting up a suitable cover, he was shooting against the SWAT team members.

The situation seems a bit deadlocked!

Although the special policemen have better marksmanship, there are more criminals, and the situation has reached a delicate balance.

Suddenly, at this moment, Ye Feng's pupils shrank sharply, and his expression could no longer be stretched.

He clearly saw a special police member shot in the arm and fell backwards.

This shot, as if hitting himself, made Ye Feng extremely distressed!

Ye Feng never wanted the lads he brought out to come out full of energy, but they wanted to lie down and go back.

They still have a lot of beautiful life to experience, and more opportunities to dedicate themselves to the masses, and they must not fall here easily.

Ye Feng frowned and glanced at the time. It is estimated that even if a large army is flying in, it may be difficult to reach this remote village in a short time.

If this stalemate continues, it is very likely that there will be more casualties on my own side!

Gritting his teeth hard and clenching his fists, at this moment, the expression on Ye Feng's face has changed from helpless to fearless.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Feng bent down and squatted to tidy up his shoelaces, then stood up, his figure has become taller invisibly.

Without even the slightest hesitation, Ye Feng resolutely rushed out at this moment.

Two lunges, then leaned forward and rolled, quickly rolling to a big tree on the shore.

Kneeling on one knee, holding hands in front of his eyes, aiming and shooting in one go, directly hitting a gangster who was shooting at the police officers with an automatic rifle.

Perceiving the strangeness here, several gangsters immediately turned around and fired a few shots in the direction of Ye Feng.

But at this time, Ye Feng had already quickly hid behind the tree, completely concealing his figure.


Ye Feng gritted his teeth, and after unable to feel the bullet coming in his direction, he half-turned abruptly, revealing half of his head and pistol.

The aim was completed in an instant, two consecutive shots were fired, and another gangster was killed. Then, before the criminals shot at him again, Ye Feng had already rolled continuously and hid behind another big tree.

the second!

Ye Feng's heartbeat is constantly accelerating, and the sense of mission and the unprecedented struggle put him in a state of extreme excitement.

At this time, the police officers who were shooting at the gangsters also saw Ye Feng's fearless figure and couldn't help being shocked.

He rushed to the gangster from the flank alone?


Extremely dangerous!

This is a really vicious gangster, a gangster who dared to fight back brazenly in the face of the police!

Now even when they are in ambush, they haven't taken much advantage.

Some of them even got hurt!

But Ye Feng attacked the gangsters alone, how could it not make them feel astonished!

But what surprised them even more was that Ye Feng's raid was so fierce, all the actions in one go seemed to be innate. In just ten seconds, Ye Feng actually killed two gangsters!

Because of Ye Feng's surprise attack on the flanks, their pressure on the frontal shot was much less.

This invisibly increased their security, but Ye Feng is extremely dangerous.

When Wang Hao saw this scene, his eyes were distraught and he couldn't wait to rush over and bring Ye Feng back.

However, the culprits shot intensively, so that he did not dare to jump out easily.

Wanting to complete the raid instead of Ye Feng, Wang Hao severely hammered a boulder bunker, and his breathing became trembling.

At this moment, Ye Feng was hiding behind the tree and did not dare to act rashly. Wearing detection glasses, he had discovered that two gangsters were pointing their guns in his direction. Once he jumped out hastily, there would definitely be bullets to greet him. .

How to do it?

After gritting his teeth, Ye Feng tore off his clothes, counted silently in his heart, and then threw the clothes out.

Almost for a while, the attention of the two gangsters was attracted by the clothes suddenly flying out. It seemed as if a person suddenly jumped out from behind a tree, subconsciously shooting continuously.

But at almost the same instant, Ye Feng rolled out from the other direction of the tree trunk, lay on the ground, aimed calmly, and fired two shots in a row.

Headshot directly!

At a distance that almost exceeded the effective shooting range of a police pistol, Ye Feng completed an incredible miracle shooting!

Ye Feng, who finished shooting, rolled quickly, hiding behind a huge reef, and gasping for breath!

The third!

the fourth!

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth has slowly curled up.

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