Chapter 144

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“You are the Ye Feng old fairy who has made countless contributions to pick up suspects when you go out in the legend?”

No wonder Yang Feng was surprised. In the past two or three months, Ye Feng’s reputation in the Binhai Public Security System is too loud.

His incredible results in solving the case simply rolled past like a mudslide, and everyone had to be shocked.

Even in remote districts and counties, they have all heard of Ye Feng’s name.

According to legend, it is a glance at the naked eye, and you will know that you have committed no crime!

Yang Feng is actually a bit disapproving in his mind. After all, to become a criminal investigator requires a lot of practical experience to make a more accurate judgment of clues and at the same time let you know the pattern of crime.

But Ye Feng, a police academy student who has just graduated, even if he has talent and no accumulation of experience, it is difficult to make a breakthrough.

Therefore, Yang Feng felt that Ye Feng’s reputation was a bit imaginary, and it was touted.

He has always wanted to see Ye Feng’s ability to see if it is as enchanting as in the legend!

A thief on the left and a robber on the right?

Why don’t you come back with a chain of suspects in chains?

If you really are so enchanting, Binhai City Prison will be filled with you!

Besides, the law and order in Binhai is not so bad, how can there be so many suspects!

Do you think you live in Sin 460 City?

But when he saw Ye Feng today, Yang Feng couldn’t help showing a surprised expression.

I don’t know why, although Ye Feng did not stand up abruptly, his spirit and aura, like his own magnetic field, made people have to look at him.

A person who can possess this kind of aura is probably by no means mediocre!

Yang Feng couldn’t help nodding his head, he was still a bit narrow-minded under his reputation, and maybe they were really so enchanting!

“Squadron Yang, hello!”

Ye Feng stepped forward and stood up and saluted.

Yang Feng replied, and then shook Ye Feng’s hand and said with a smile: “Being so respected by Daqi, I am afraid you are really a genius in criminal investigation. It happens that we are working together on this case to try to win the case as soon as possible. !”

But before Ye Feng could speak, Zhao Daqi next to him couldn’t help but curl his lips, “I’m so embarrassed to say cooperation? I can’t get the case for three days, so please shut up and wait to see how we solve the case. You are here. Learn a little bit by the side!”

Yang Feng glanced at Zhao Daqi obliquely, and said irritably, “Why, do you want to practice again, don’t you?”

“Go, go to the training room, and see if I don’t beat you up looking for teeth!”

“Who was as tired as a dead dog last time?”

“Where are you so good, hasn’t your face been swollen for two days?”


Looking at the two squadron leaders who were bickering like children, Ye Feng showed a helpless expression on his face.

Sure enough, this is the opponent, the kind of falling in love and killing each other.

At this time, the young police officer who followed Yang Feng also had the same expression, feeling deeply helpless for having such a squadron leader.

“Don’t worry too much. Every time they meet, they have to divide up and disagree. We’ll be used to it next time!” The young police officer explained to Ye Feng with a smile.

Ye Feng smiled and nodded, and stretched out his hand to the young police officer, “Ye Feng, Second Squadron, Criminal Investigation Brigade!”

The young police officer shook Ye Feng’s hand forcefully, “Luo Yang, Wuhai Criminal Investigation Squadron!”

“Or let the two of them relive the past, let’s discuss the case?” Ye Feng estimated that it might take some time for the two to get better, so he proposed.

Luo Yang seemed to be accustomed to it too, and directly greeted the police officers of the Second Squadron to enter the meeting room of the Wuhai branch temporarily serving as the task force office.

In the process of handling the case, Ye Feng has always been vigorous and resolute. After finding the location, he asked Luo Yang to directly introduce the progress of the case.

“The deceased was the owner of a clothing store in the central street of Yuehe Town. She was 40 years old and her hometown was close to the city. She came to Yuehe Town to start a clothing store five years ago.”

“Jiang Yi and her ex-husband divorced 10 years ago and have no children. They currently live alone.”

“In the family relationship, Jiang Yi’s parents are still alive, living in the city, and have a brother who will work hard in the imperial capital after getting married.”

“Only one cousin of the immediate family of the three generations has a relatively close relationship with Jiang Yi, and she also lives in the city.”

“From the results of our investigation of Jiang Yi’s relatives, no suspicious persons have been found.”

“Moreover, we did not take Jiang Yi’s relatives as the focus of investigation. From the specifics of the case, this is more like a robbery and murder for the sake of money.”

“Monitoring coverage in Yuehe Town is not complete. From several surveillance videos in the town center, we have the following information.”

“Jiang Yi entered the surveillance area at 9:20 pm on October 29, and after leaving the surveillance area one minute later, she did not enter the video screen of the second surveillance camera.”

“It is deduced from this that Jiang Yi was killed between 9:20-9:30, which has also been confirmed by forensic doctors.”

“The perpetrator was lying in ambush in a location that cannot be covered by surveillance cameras, and dragged passing Jiang Yi to a hidden place to commit robbery and murder.”

“However, there was no suspicious person in the video during the period of time before and after.”

“During the site investigation, we found the footprints left by the suspect, and we preliminarily determined that the suspect was a male with a height of cm and a weight of about 70 kg.”

“No murder weapon was found at the scene, and no suspect’s fingerprints or other valid clues were extracted from the deceased.”

“We have done a lot of work, but we have never found a direction. This is the reason why there is no more progress in the case.”


Luo Yang introduced the current progress of the case to the officers of the Second Squadron very methodically.

Ye Feng looked at the case file, frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.

Although the detection methods are becoming more and more technological, it is impossible for you to cover every corner of the surveillance video.

If the perpetrator really has a premeditated rather than a temporary intention, then he will inevitably make full preparations within his own ability.

Needless to say, gloves are the most effective way to avoid leaving fingerprints. As long as the suspect wears gloves, it is often difficult for police officers on the scene to get fingerprints for comparison.

This creates great difficulties for the detection of the case.

Ye Feng knew that the combat effectiveness of the Wuhai Criminal Investigation Squadron was not bad. They had no clue about the case, and I am afraid that the difficulty would be more than his own estimate.


Let’s start working!

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